Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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Effective Method For Stress Relief

by miikuroneko

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Flowers and Plants you can Grow to Welcome Spring.
Spring is here and what better way to welcome it than to start planting beautiful and fragrant foliage. It is the season where nature reawakens after a long icy cold winter. Let’s leave our cups of borovan behind and get out to enjoy the sunny and warm weather.

by prada_prince


Add's Shenanigans

by dtrg


The Best Books for Every Genre
There are many books around Neopia that can be read to your Neopets (as long as they don’t find them boring!) to increase their intelligence.

by k3l26


Confessions of a Hissiholic
Hissiholic (n.) A person who is particularly addicted to the collection of Hissies.

by alli_draggy

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