Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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The Leaf Bag

by trishabeakens

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Confessions of a Hissiholic
Hissiholic (n.) A person who is particularly addicted to the collection of Hissies.

by alli_draggy


Random Oddness - Wraith Resurgence #5
Pets that are painted wraith should probably sit this one out.

by mistyqee


Change Needs Growth:Part Two
“It’s been a while, right, Patrick?” Nash, the red Psimouse, spat out the words.

“What do you want, Nash?”

by jehtredmonkey


Same, Right?
right, same?

by butterflybandage

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