For an easier life Circulation: 195,043,305 Issue: 815 | 2nd day of Awakening, Y20
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Kacheek Seek in Meridell

by 01_batatinha_01

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Weird trends
It's a statement..

Also by cherie_nicole

by keruza


Elaine's Expedition:Part Five
A stone door twice her height loomed ahead of her, cracked and weathered from centuries of aging. Elaine gulped, peering up at the symbols carved into its rough surface.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004


No exceptions... excuses.

by applejuicerain


How to be a millionaire without restocking
For people with no patience or skill — to restock, but who can’t just sit and wait the bank to give profit, I’ll share my experience as a reseller and show your possible best path.

by lynx_malin

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