Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,803,020 Issue: 795 | 25th day of Hiding, Y19
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It's a bird!

by suixx

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A Job with a Purpose
I started a new job a year ago today.

by saqo


There was once a time in Conjure’s history where all magic seemed lost, forever.

Also by emberfusion, kat_bus and illegalangelx

by remidica


Young Jhudora and Queen Fyora: Part Three
She knew what this coronation meant for her, but she was ready to go through with it. She was tired of the constant struggle against The Elders.

by rocksysmom


Guide to the Battledome: Training, Weapons, and more
Well, this series will aim to cover all the fundamental aspects of training and battling. I’ll also go over the best weapons on a budget.

by berzerkturtlez

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