Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 194,614,806 Issue: 780 | 5th day of Hunting, Y19
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Shadow of Evil p1

by krabbox

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Hissi Shoes?
How does a Hissi wear shoes exactly?

by draggi_pi2


Martin's Unfortunate Quest
Dry leaves raced across the ground. A Mynci trudged along, struggling to walk against the wind. A storm was brewing.

by pokemon4ever45


The Rejects Club
Ever wanted an April Fools pet to become a tangible reality? I'm sure the pets feel the same way!

by acylated


A Trip to Meri Acres Farm
After my last trip to the eerie Deserted Fairgrounds, I decided my next weekend trip needed to be a bit more comforting and in full daylight. This time I went off the beaten path in Meridell.

by hectic_haley

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