Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,573,185 Issue: 776 | 7th day of Eating, Y19
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Unexpectedly Useful: Mop Wig

by louise_the_zero

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The Wheel of Extravagance Project
How I lost 11.5 million Neopoints over the the last year.

by bittersweet52


Dear Fippinator: Daily Dare Edition!
These questions were all gathered anonymously, Neopians far and wide shouting at me on the street hoping to get some advice on their most pressing issues. I'm not an expert by any means but I do what I can!

by fippinator


New Color : Candy...Food?

Also by teca_alvarenga

by ruben160


Gears for Fears--Battledome
Back from the dead.

by kreaturepheture

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