Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,450,763 Issue: 768 | 10th day of Awakening, Y19
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by soccergirl101397

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Great stories!


The Valentine’s Day Which Was Plagued by a Villain
Walda, however, had decided to stay behind—she had an idea. The other students' candy was sitting on their desks, just waiting to be eaten. Filled with avarice, she started to wolf down everyone else's chocolate, blissfully hopping from desk to desk.

by _brainchild_


Top Ten Neo Smilies
Neopets has truly set the bar high for all of the internet; they have produced some epic new age Smilies.

by hectic_haley


Sweetheart Grams Guide
One of the most exciting parts of the Valentine's Day specials are the Sweetheart Grams. This guide will dive head first into the grams, covering everything you need to know about the pink and lovely scrolls.

by nah_nah


Avatar Collecting Can Be "Hard" (as Ice)
"If he gave it to you, then you're worth it."

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by joslucca3000

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