Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 171,606,722 Issue: 178 | 18th day of Awakening, Y7
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Hyperbole Blues

by spidersheep

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Guide to Naming
When creating an account, whether it’s a spare or gallery account, make it original!

by impl0de


Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Six
"I just found him like that," I said. "When he regains consciousness, he'll have to tell us something."

by jesse12_3


Rotton Tomatoes
#1 Kadoatie Mishaps

by orangeneodrops


The Life and Times of the Money Tree
If the Money Tree wasn’t there, where would we go to donate? The majority of us are far too busy with our own plans of world dominat- erm…far too busy with our own plans to go out of our way to donate.

by neo_april

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