The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,403,598 Issue: 765 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y19
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by draggi_pi2

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Great stories!


Spiral: Part Three
Subzero winds pelted the plains in the four friend’s path. Placing one foot at a time in front of the other, the comrades braced themselves as they held onto each one in their group. The water was in sight now. Reaching the landmass’s edge, Cree, Frostrym, Charmifire and Blaz leapt across the ice floe. The sheets wobbled slightly with every bound.

by waterguardianwmr


Can Elephantes Fly?
Elephantes will gift the wearables on their back for a cold friend, they are the life of any party, and the can launch a peanut well over 200 meters and give joy to their Puppyblew pals. But there is one large, looming question around this beautiful species: Can they fly?

by alienigenosidad


Easiest Ways to Make Neopoints in Y19
Have you ever wondered how people manage to go for their most wanted items? Perhaps you are also wanting to achieve that one dream pet you have always wished, but the paint brush is just out of your reach right now? Wondering how to make a decent amount of Neopoints around the sites every day?

Also by venom_creep

by marbear_4u


Needing to heal.
This may take a while...

by jmo7692

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