Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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The Eyes

by janderson_lee

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Coconut Power! A Guide for a Wild Ride
I absolutely love to play games and collect trophies. of course, the point is to have fun, so it's always great to find a game that you can get a trophy for that's also fun to play for a long time in itself, and Wheeler's Wild Ride is one of these games.

by sargelw


How To Celebrate Sloth Day
As we all know, the 14th day of Sleeping is dedicated to the greatest, most evilest (and handsomest!) villain in all of Neopia – the great Dr. Sloth! With thousands of forced Grundo minions and crazed fans, what can YOU do to set yourself apart and celebrate this devilishly good-looking evil scientist?

by butterflybandage


Usuki Singing Stars #37: Like, Totally Goth
\Scary turned to stare at Gerald. The Aisha was wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans, blacks and white sneakers, and a red beanie. He looked depressed and (totally) boring, too. “You honestly think I can relate to that freak?” Scary gasped. “How in Neopia can I befriend something who wears black eye shadow??”

by downrightdude


Top 12 Gifts for Sloth Supporters
Is your neopet a true Dr. Sloth fan if they don't own these 12 sloth-tastic items?

by stargirl346

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