Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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Big Trouble in Little Usukiland

by gumgum101230

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Money, Money, Money!
So I was walking by the Money Tree one day and – What? Hold on. *shoves narrative aside* Director comes forward. I quizzically flex my eyebrows in response. Director: “You’re supposed to give them a little background before you begin the story, you know, tell them a little about yourself so they get hooked.” Me: “But they’re already hooked? I mean, they’re absolutely flabbergasted by the weirdness already taking place here. Just look.”

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Meridell: The Town that Time Forgot
Meridell is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Neopia life. A brief four-hour train ride through the countryside is all it takes to bring you to a lovely coastal town that time forgot. You may get lost in the past but with this handy guide you won’t be at a loss for what to do to make the most of your weekend getaway.

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And you wonder why you're always on the naughty list...

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