The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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by ianharrypotter

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KATIPO I: Restart: Part Five
You can see farms on the hills where future knights do their morning chores, and you can see castles in the distance where heroes plan their next journey. The fields of flowers seem endless, and the bright-coloured flags that dot the dirt paths to and from the neighbouring towns seem almost surreal in their mystical beauty.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Chasing Treasure: Part Two
Midnight came. Midnight went. Half past midnight came and went. At seventeen minutes to one, Sam appeared, bow tie hanging untied around his neck and shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

by aethelar


Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 5
What more can you take from me?

by june_scarlet


A Review of the Best Coffee in Neopia
As we prepare ourselves for the weather to get colder, why not head down to the Coffee Cave (found in Neopia Central's Art Centre) to try some of the incredible coffee products that are offered? While some may think that coffee is only a way to feel more awake in the morning, they are terribly misconceived!

by goldie11147

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