Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,219,815 Issue: 749 | 16th day of Gathering, Y18
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A Bit Uncanny: Inventory Issues

by neon_leaf

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Hoarding 101
I’ve always been a packrat, so for me, getting that packrat avatar was a breeze: I acquired it before I even knew what avatar hunting was! However, others who aren’t quite as hoarding-inclined as myself have had some trouble, so it’s time to share some packrat knowledge with my fellow Neopians.

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KATIPO I: Restart: Part Three
It’s 7:30pm exactly, and you’re staring up at Riff’s house and worrying over whether or not you actually got enough information from the alien to make this trip worthwhile. Riff’s typically pretty good at putting together puzzles with only a handful of the pieces, and he’s got some weird sixth sense when it comes to knowing what other people had said during interrogations that he wasn’t even present for, but you still sometimes worry.

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Naia and the Maraquan Moehog
The whispered comments, the giggled gossip, the sidelong glances – Naia heard and saw it all. She would love to be bold, to say she didn’t care, but it wasn’t true. It bothered her, at least a little, that the other Faeries didn’t take her job seriously.

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An Apple A Day
I thought you said it'd keep the doctor away!

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