A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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Babysitting for the first time

by mitzplick

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A Rockin’ Guide to Neopia’s Instruments!
In fact, if your pet is like this, it might even be a sign to give them an opportunity to learn a new skill - playing an instrument! But first, you obviously have to buy them one! Neopia’s own little music shop is located in the bustling Neopian Plaza at Neopia Central.

by pinkcrown123


3 Recent Weapons that Jumpstarted my Faith in TNT
It had been a while since the BD Chat had something to buzz about. The excitement of the New BD had long worn off. The Smuggler’s Cove had remained empty for years. Fyora hadn’t added anything to her tower in a while. After 15 years of barely venturing outside the BD Chat, it was time to for me to see what else this site had to offer. Then along came a volleyball.

by dfgh5067


Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 2
Nothing's wrong, and nothing's in my closet. So stay out.

by twillieblossom


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part One
The reason he’d gotten himself into this, ArPharazonTheGolden decided, was because he could never say “no” to anything. The Faerie Draik perched on the edge of the bed in his cabin in a Shenkuuvian sky-ship, staring at the letter in his claws, not really seeing the words so much as coming to the realisation that he was hopelessly wishy-washy.

by cosmicfire918

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