Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Odds are Against You

by skypupgoddess

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Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part Five
She was about to suggest they all sat and relaxed, when a cold spurt of water hit her in the face. “PFFFFFFFT.” Saba spluttered wildly, gazing around frantically. Was it the Techo ghosts? Had they come for her?

by anjie


Spread The Word!
...Wait...Spread the word about what exactly...?

by innosently


Desert Requiem: Part Six
The Temple of a Thousand Tombs was an extensive underground network of crypts that forked beneath large tracts of the desert, including Qasala. There were several entrances into it from the surface, including one that was located within the Palace of Qasala itself.

by kalnya


Still Grumpy
What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?

by umhiimalexis

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