Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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More Than Meets The Eye - Introduction

by cutecatty1

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Create Your Own Adventure
I always suspected that my Grundo had a sadistic streak. Years of serving as a commander in Dr. Sloth’s galactic marine corps will probably do that to you. But my hunch was confirmed the day Dark_breed_Hyren brought home an Adventure Generator.

by cosmicfire918


A Dangerous Game
So was it as easy as you thought?

Also by sanamm

by admonisher


A Real Conundrum
Today's new users will never know the joy/struggle

by umhiimalexis


The Moderately Evil Faerie: Part Five
Jhudora ignored the stares of all of the faeries as she made her way to the Hidden Tower with Vanity and Spite flanking her. Her clothes were soaked with brine and her makeup was completely washed off. She had put her cloak back on to hide her wings, but she was sure almost everyone knew exactly who she was.

by rocksysmom

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