Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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Don't Question the King

by carrotbreath

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Sunny Side Up
The real travesty here is the ruined breakfast.

by amarettoball


Finding Your Great Guild
As luck would have it, I clicked the link too quickly and found myself on the Guild Board instead! Instead of clicking the back button, however, I stopped to look at the guilds that were being advertised as fond memories of being part of guilds throughout the years flashed in my mind. This, I thought, was where my Neopets adventure was going to take me.

by so_bored_822


The Problem with Magma Pets
I never learn...

by scarlet_dissenter


5 Underrated NC Items You Could Be Using
I want to highlight them, explain what makes them so underrated and fantastic, and give you some brief recommendations as to which other items pair well with them, as well as pets that might highlight these items’ best features. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to customize these items or your pets. You do you, but maybe you’ll do you with these items

by gameboyknight

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