Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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Royal Pain

by winner19955

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Fyora's Day
Fyora Day, contrary to popular belief, is not Fyora's birthday but rather an anniversary to her official coronation. Although literally a day honoring Queen Fyora, it is also symbolically a day of kindness where one takes a moment to learn from Fyora's character.

by black_skull725


From the Top: An Interview with Bartdrunkeys, a Top Trophy Collector
Have you visited a player’s lookup and been mesmerized by the glow of gold? Or the sheer number of accomplishments? Trophies are a great way to show off and celebrate your hard work and commitment to Neopia.

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Sunny Side Up
Faeries have expensive tastes.

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Healthy Diet
Healthy habits are always good, or not ...

by callmeindestruction

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