A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,034,734 Issue: 734 | 26th day of Hunting, Y18
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by shennyyy

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NeoPaper: Altador Cup Preparations
Outfits, check?

by mbredboy31


The Curse Of The Rainbow Fountain
Everyone knows about the curse of The Rainbow Fountain, it is an old wise tale that has been around for years and years. The tale of the curse of The Rainbow Fountain is told to every Neopet in Neoschool every year in October. Elders tell the tale again and again to warn young Neopets of what could happen.

by she_chose_love


From the Top: An Interview with Bartdrunkeys, a Top Trophy Collector
Have you visited a player’s lookup and been mesmerized by the glow of gold? Or the sheer number of accomplishments? Trophies are a great way to show off and celebrate your hard work and commitment to Neopia.

Also by bartdrunkeys

by malphd


Warf Reacue Team! ~ Another Day

by supertualet

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