Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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NeoPaper: Repeat Cycle

by mbredboy31

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Random Oddness
Doesn't matter if they're slightly used, right?

by mistyqee


The Beginners Guide to the Battledome
While I was basically afraid of the battledome for years, I recently embraced the it and have not looked back since. The battledome is a great way to earn some neopoints and some prizes. Battling is neither difficult nor boring and I would recommend it to all who aren’t already taking part regularly.

by katehoughtonbeckett



Also by Pinksrainbow

by lyndsey4657


Questionable Parenting
Our favorite sewage surfing Wocky has to babysit for an hour, what will he do?

by rebeccagirl

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