The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,963,135 Issue: 728 | 15th day of Eating, Y18
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Jhudora the Babysitter

by pinksrainbow

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Durian Difficulties: Part 3
Your attitude is stinkin' up the place

Also by bha288.

by joslucca3000


Ol' Reliable - Part 2
Always carry Ol' Reliable

by lockord


Why Did You Downsize? - Part 2
A popular article of mine was called "Why Did You Downsize?," and it received a lot of fan mail. The idea of downsizing struck a chord with many of my fellow players, and they admitted that after reading my article, they were inspired to downsize their own accounts.

by indulgences


Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Kelp!
We’re finally tackling one of the most well known- and most expensive- restaurants in all of Neopia! So put on your fancy dress, get all those NeoPoints out of the bank, and make sure your fur is groomed- we’re on our way to Kelp, a fine dining establishment that will leave your stomach full and your wallet empty.

by tennesseethomas

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