Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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The Abominable Snowstorm

by flustre

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When an apple is misleading about its roots.

by simbologies


Only On Neopets! - Part 2
Neopets is truly the only game site where people sometimes loathe the games, but play them anyway! Sometimes, they're after trophies. Sometimes, they're after avatars. I think it's amusing that the avatar and trophy collectors spend upwards of 100 hours trying to master an exasperating game in order to reach a score that will end up on that game's high score list. Only a Neopian would spend 100 hours on a game that he or she hates!

by indulgences


The Paint Color Dictionaries: S
As the proud owner of five Neopets painted in a color starting with ā€œSā€ (a little eccentric, but we all have our habits on Neopets), I have collected my thoughts about the paint colors starting with the letter S. The most colors start with S, fifteen, and some of the most affordable, too, with six buyable from the Shop Wizard.

by dunefurandlilypelt


Nancy Casts Stupor
Insane mode is really hard

by qgqg

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