Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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Furniture Shopping

by ketchup547

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Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part II
But the real question is: can you really use a frying pan as a weapon?

by amarettoball


Lame Pun: Doing The Books
I'm Kinda Sorry For This One

by blackaavar


The Deserted Fairground's Top 10 Spooky Foods
The Deserted Fairground is not the most popular tourist destination in Neopia, especially not for its cuisine. Spooky Foods is a small tattered Pink stall ran by a rather spooky looking Bruce, but don’t let that fool you as this is home to some of the best delicacies available in all of Neopia, as long as you’re not too squeamish and willing to try a variety of different foods which don’t exactly look that mouth-watering.

by princess__neo277


Avatars That Will Never, Ever Happen!
I was cracking jokes on the Neoboards one day, talking about new avatars that would be absolutely ridiculous and completely unlikely. The other players were laughing along with me, proposing random and hilarious new avatars that are so silly that they'll never exist. Inspired by our merriment, I thought I'd write a Neopian Times article all about the avatars that will never, ever happen!

by indulgences

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