Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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NeoPaper: Loofah!

by mbredboy31

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Celebrating Kacheek Day as a Newly-Morphed Kacheek
For Kacheeks all around Neopia, this means a day of mirth and merriment in celebration of our species’ long and storied history. For some of us, however, this day can be quite confusing as well. This is because some Kacheeks, such as myself, were not born as Kacheeks, but ended up becoming one for some reason or another.

by opossumman


Jhudora's Brush

Also by tedypicker

by cherokee165


Tallydepp and the Imperial Exam
Uni cake was Tallydepp's favourite food and usually the sweet aroma would stop her in her tracks, but today the excited Uni didn't even notice. She pulled a letter from her school satchel, her hooves shaking slightly. "Look! Look!" she cried. "I've finally been selected to try out for the Imperial Exam!"

by tallydepp


Lame Pun: Dining Out
We Talk About Food A Lot

by blackaavar

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