The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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I Guess You Are Mine...

by alexandria_nicole

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Holiday Looks Step By Step
By showing you how we customize our lovely pets from conception to the final look for the holidays during the month of giving, we hope to give you some ideas on how to customize if you aren't sure of where to start. We have all neopoints and all neocash customizations for you to choose from.

Also by Greyfever

by yuri445


One Last Game
The three by three grid of raised stone squares was mocking me at this point. It was clearly a puzzle, as there were dozens of other identical puzzles scattered throughout Neoquest III. But with those other puzzles there was usually a cipher, or a scroll with a hint, or something that would help you figure out the answer. I had scoured the entire area looking for anything that could tell me the answer to the puzzle, but to no avail.

by gumgum101230


Expect the Unexpected Wig Thief
You so can't pull that off.

by yuskieandurameshie


The Best Soups for the Neopian Holidays
When the holidays come, there is absolutely nothing my neopets and I enjoy more than a good bowl of warm soup. It is a hardy, delicious meal that we love to eat around the fireplace. After spending all day at the Winter Starlight Celebration, having a random snowball fight, or playing a ton of winter themed games, it’s nice to warm up with a bowl of soup.

by mrsarias17

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