Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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NeoPaper: Customizeable Salad

by mbredboy31

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Real Life Avatars: Evil Fuzzle
It IS kind of silly when you really think about it...

by bearwife


The Pirate King Files - Virtupets on Lockdown
Agents Uchiha Zwiro and Mimi Kattel of the Neopia Central Defenders Unit had been sent to the Virtupets Space Station by their superior. According to the mission briefing, the Virtupets Defenders Unit required assistance on one of its missions.

by ezel68


The 10(-ish) NC Wearables You Had No Idea Were Cool
But here are some wearables you may not have known about that tend to be extremely hard to find (or HTF)--while their Clara cap value is 5 or fewer, if you're after one of these coveted items you may well have to put in significant time and even a substantial "overoffer" to hunt even a single willing trader down.

by playinthewaves


That's What (Snow)Buddies Are For!
With winter season just around the corner, a cold is not an rare occurrence! The first of many on these two snowbunnies.

by kittiekatstory

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