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Loyalty Lives

by 77thbigby


      Dalibor was on escort duty. The shadow Peophin was an up-and-coming solider in the kingdom of Psellio. He did not complain. He was honored to serve the royal family: King Anselm, Queen Adaeze and Princess Valenchesa. Whatever his orders, he obeyed without question.

      Unbeknownst to the young Peo, he had already been noticed by his monarchs. He was just the sort of soldier they wanted. They had high hopes for him.

      So, on this day, Dalibor was escorting a young healer mage to a water faerie in Maraqua. He truly did not mind. He had never left Psellio before so all of it was completely new to him. Every soldier was taught basic geography so Dalibor was not concerned about getting lost. He also had pleasant company in Fae; the faerie Koi was young, energetic and cheerful.

      There were only so many classes found in Psellio. The soldiery was quite large, a rival for any nearby kingdoms. Healer mages were rare and highly revered in Psellio. It was why Fae had an escort, even in a relatively safe journey to Maraqua. So they arrived at the residence of Myana, the water faerie.

      “You’re not allowed in, Dalibor,” Fae said, a little apologetically as she paused at the door.

      “I will wait here,” Dalibor responded with a small nod.

      So, the shadow Peophin waited. He was patient, taking the time to think and observe his surroundings. Not that there was much to see at the edge of Maraqua but Dalibor was not easily bored. The morning became afternoon and that was when Fae and Myana swam out of the house.

      “Dalibor! Hurry! There is no time to waste. We must return to Psellio! Now,” Fae said, sounding unusually desperate.

      Truly unnerved by the faeries’ behaviour, Dalibor swam, keeping pace with Fae, much slower than he could have moved alone. Then, the storm started. It was slow at first, almost unnoticeable except that Dalibor was suddenly struggling against an increasingly stronger current. He found himself almost stretched out flat, trying to move forward. It didn’t help that he also had to help Fae and finally he suggested that she almost ride him, hanging onto his silver mane.

      The sea was now in complete turmoil, waves thrashing, wind howling, sky dark with ominous clouds. After an hour of struggle, Dalibor could no longer fight. He drifted on top of the sea, barely able to keep track of Fae. He had not forgotten his loyalty to his monarchs, he just did not have the will to go on. That was when Myana, the water faerie, who Dalibor had forgotten was there, swam up to the two young ‘pets.

      Myana placed a hand on Dalibor’s crest and the other on Fae’s forehead.

      A jolt of energy surged through Dalibor. He knew that Fae felt it too as he saw the faerie Koi jerk. He blinked his eyes, realizing with relief that the storm was dissipating as quickly as it had arisen. Refilled with purpose, he continued his return journey to Psellio…though truly he did not know what he would be returning to.

      It took two long hours to return in sharp contrast to the leisurely hour it had taken to leave.

      What they found on their return was complete devastation. The palace had been destroyed and it was apparent that whoever had done this had been unmerciful. Dalibor almost felt like crying like a baby when he found the king and queen, lifeless. Psellio was a warrior kingdom and to discover those that Dalibor had pledged his very life to fallen in battle filled the shadow Peophin with utter despair. He collapsed on the ground, senseless.

      Dalibor did not know how long he lay there before he heard heartrending sobs nearby. He mustered himself to rise partially and saw Fae in Myana’s arms. The water faerie looked as pained as Dalibor felt. She suddenly pinned the young Peophin with her ocean blue gaze and Dalibor found he could not look away.

      “Psellio has fallen. This does not mean that you must fall with it. You and Fae were spared for a purpose. It may not be clear to you now but someday it will. What you do in the interim is completely up to you,” Myana said.

      Slowly, Fae seemed to gather herself together. The faerie Koi turned in Myana’s embrace to look at Dalibor. Her eyes were red and swollen. When she spoke, her voice rasped with pain.

      “What are we going to do, Dalibor?” Fae asked.

      Dalibor still felt helpless. He was only twenty-one years old. Most ‘pets didn’t have a plan for their day, let alone their whole lives at his age. Now he was expected to take care of someone else, too? He didn’t have an answer and was thankful when Myana filled the void of his silence.

      “You, Fae, will live with me, of course. Your magic still needs to be developed,” Myana said, managing a wan smile as she looked at Fae.

      “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Dalibor finally admitted.

      The shadow Peophin forced himself to look around. Only one thing was clear: there was no reason to stay.

      “Dalibor, it is understandable that you have no answers. Just this morning, you believed you would rise in the ranks of the Psellio army just like every other soldier. Now that has been violently stripped from you. However, before you do anything, I must speak with you both about that storm,” Myana said.

      Fae swam to float beside Dalibor. Dalibor was confused by Myana’s concern.

      “What about it? Storms happen. This one was just at a severely bad time,” Dalibor said.

      “That was a magic storm, wasn’t it, Myana?” Fae asked.

      The water faerie nodded. “Yes, it was. It was an emotionally charged storm and with your recent working of magic, Fae, particularly strong. Only made stronger because of Dalibor’s presence.”

      “Wait, what?! I don’t have magic!” Dalibor was stunned by this revelation.

      Myana actually let out a bubbly laugh even as Fae looked at him with undisguised wonder. It was all Dalibor could do not to snap at the faeries. It was only his deep-seated respect for faeries that prevented this.

      “Dalibor, you’re a Peophin. You’re born with magical abilities. Some Peophins recognize their magic. Others do not. For you, it only came to the forefront because this has been an incredibly emotional day which I know is unusual for Psellio soldiers. You are not encouraged to be emotional. As every magic user knows, it is tied to your emotions,” Myana explained.

      Dalibor frowned. What the faerie said was true.

      “So, what do I do?” Dalibor asked.

      “Unlike Fae, I assume you will not live day-to-day relying on your magic. I can help you control it with say, weekly lessons,” Myana said.

      Dalibor nodded, relieved that Myana had not suggested he also live with her. He knew he wouldn’t be able to handle that.

      Myana looked at Fae. “I believe it is time for us to get back to Maraqua.”

      Fae nodded, a small smile on her face. Then her face fell as she looked at Dalibor. To the Peophin’s shock, the Koi rushed him and gave him a hug before swimming away with Myana. He watched the faeries until they swam out of sight, then headed in the opposite direction. He had no life now but he knew that he would take Myana’s advice and rebuild himself, even if it took the rest of his life to do it.

~ ~ ~

      It had been a year and a half since that fateful day. Dalibor had just finished a training session with Myana. He had learned to control his magic. He also thought of his former life every day. A flash of movement pulled Dalibor from his thoughts.

      Being at the edge of Maraqua, not many passed this way. Yet, a silver Flotsam and Maraquan Tonu swam rapidly in Dalibor’s direction. The Flotsam brushed carelessly past Dalibor, knocking him back.

      “Whoops! Sorry ‘bout that,” the Flotsam said over his shoulder, not looking or sounding apologetic in the least.

      A less restrained individual than Dalibor would have called the little pest back but he merely snorted lightly. As the Tonu swam after his friend, he cast an apologetic look at Dalibor. Something triggered in Dalibor’s mind. The Tonu was also from Psellio! He was younger than Dalibor so not old enough to be soldier.

      How had the Tonu escaped?

      Dalibor had to know! The shadow Peophin swam after the two ‘pets. Sensing pursuit, the silver Flotsam sped up, easily outstripping the Peophin. The Tonu also sped up but seemed to give up after a moment, realizing speed was not his strong suit. Noting his friend did not follow, the Flotsam circled back, keeping a wary distance from Dalibor.

      The Tonu looked concerned as the Peophin confronted him.

      “You! What’s your name?” Dalibor demanded.

      “Who wants to know?” the silver Flotsam challenged.

      Dalibor clutched his maractite trident and shot the Flotsam a fierce look.

      The Tonu put up his wide flippers in an appeasing gesture. “My name is Adrastos.”

      Dalibor narrowed his eyes, thinking. The name did not ring a bell. He shifted his gaze to the silver Flotsam.

      “You! I must speak with your friend, alone,” Dalibor ordered.

      “What about?” The silver Flotsam looked at Adrastos.

      “Just do as he says. I’ll catch up,” Adrastos said, still looking like he had an upset stomach.

      The Flotsam shrugged his shoulders and swam off. Satisfied that they were alone, Dalibor looked at Adrastos.

      “You’re from Psellio. How did you escape? Do you know the location of Princess Valenchesa?” Dalibor shot the questions at Adrastos in rapid-fire succession.

      The Maraquan Tonu’s broad face suddenly blanched as pale as his horn and tusks. He looked anxiously about and then looked back at Dalibor, his large green eyes on the verge of panic.

      “I will not answer any of your questions unless you can prove to me that you are worthy of the information,” Adrastos said, his voice remarkably steady.

      Dalibor was impressed. At first glance, the Tonu looked the simpleton but beneath his rounded features, he had intelligence.

      “My name is Dalibor. I am-was a soldier of Psellio. I pledged my life to King Anselm and Queen Adaeze. If Princess Valenchesa still lives, then my loyalty remains to her and her alone,” Dalibor said.

      Dalibor reflected only sincerity and earnestness. Adrastos seemed to relax, if only slightly.

      “I was a household servant in service of the royal family. It was on the King and Queen’s orders that Princess Valenchesa leave when it was evident battle was upon us. I was chosen to go with her. No soldier could be spared, you see,” Adrastos said, sounding ever apologetic.

      Dalibor nodded. He understood why Adrastos had been chosen. Had the princess been in any danger, while untrained, the Tonu’s size and natural weapons in way of his horn and tusks were sufficient in any altercation. He felt a thrill run through him as Adrastos confirmed what he had always hoped to be true: Princess Valenchesa lived! In the horror of Psellio’s fall, Dalibor had not found any trace of the princess.

      “I know the location of our liege but I will not tell you. The danger is still very real. That is the last I will say on the matter,” Adrastos said, managing to sound firm.

      Dalibor snorted in frustration. “Don’t you understand? I must speak with Princess Valenchesa. I have information on the kingdom’s enemies.”

      The shadow Peophin spoke the truth. He had frequented the kingdom’s ruins and searched far and wide for any and all information that his still-living monarch could use. Hope shone ever brighter for Dalibor as it never had before.

      “Do you know of any other survivors?” Adrastos asked.

      “Only Fae, the healer mage that I was escorting that day,” Dalibor said.

      “Do you frequent this dwelling?”


      “Then I will contact you.”

      The two ‘pets parted ways then. Now, Dalibor could only wait.

~ ~ ~

      It had been a week since Dalibor had met Adrastos. The Maraquan Tonu had yet to get back to him. Despite himself, Dalibor had become increasingly distracted as time went on. Myana and Fae, the only two close to him, noticed this change.


      At the sound of his name, Dalibor snapped back to the present. He saw Myana and Fae looking at him with concern. He couldn’t help shifting under their gazes.

      “Please, tell us what is wrong,” Myana said.

      “Why are you acting so out of it?” Fae asked.

      Dalibor looked away. Adrastos had not said to keep the information to himself. Yet…there was something that made Dalibor hesitate. What would they benefit from knowing? What did he really know?


      That was what Dalibor had. He knew he could trust Myana and Fae. They were the only two that he trusted. They should share in their hope. Fae because she was also from Psellio and Myana because she had been nothing but supportive.

      Once Dalibor finished, Fae and Myana sat in stunned silence. Fae broke the silence first.

      “If Princess Valenchesa is alive, what does this mean?” Fae asked.

      “None of us knows what this means. We don’t know if your princess is capable of leading or if she has made a new life for herself. We must wait on Adrastos to contact you again, Dalibor,” Myana said.

      Dalibor snorted. “He’s taking his sweet time.”

      The water faerie gave the shadow Peophin a sympathetic look. She had seen how the young ‘pet had changed and not all of them were positive changes. Would the appearance of the princess make Dalibor worse or better? She didn’t know. Whatever happened, Myana knew she would support both Dalibor and Fae.

      “Are we done, Myana?” Dalibor asked.

      The water faerie nodded. “Yes, Dalibor.”

      “Dalibor! Will you please let us know if you learn anything new?” Fae asked.

      Dalibor managed a tight nod in Fae’s direction before exiting the faeries’ home. Ever since Psellio’s destruction, the Peophin had been unable to settle anywhere for more than a few hours. Relieved to once more be out in the open, Dalibor tossed his head, whipping his silvery mane. He was about to swim off when he saw Adrastos. The Maraquan Tonu swam leisurely toward the shadow Peophin.

      After making sure they were alone, Adrastos spoke. “Princess Valenchesa is pleased to hear that your loyalty still lives. She would like to meet you and the mage. She understands that you have useful information.”

      Dalibor almost smiled at this news. “We will leave at once.”

      “Very well.”

      Dalibor fetched Fae. Hearing the news, Myana insisted on coming. Adrastos looked distressed at the arrival of the water faerie.

      “The princess is in hiding. She will not desire to meet anyone else,” the Maraquan Tonu said.

      “I have been training both Fae and Dalibor for almost two years. I will be able to inform your ruler of their progress and current capabilities,” Myana said.

      “Why have you been training Dalibor?”

      “On the day of Psellio’s destruction, it was discovered he has the use of magic.”

      Adrastos nodded, looking nervous all over again. He seemed to be reconsidering and Dalibor placed one silver hoof on his maractite trident. The Tonu hesitated for only a moment before speaking, again.

      “It is a long journey, taking three and a half days. Are you all capable?” Adrastos asked.

      “That is further than Faerieland…Yes, Fae and I are able,” Myana said.

      Dalibor was thankful the water faerie had not answered for him. He nodded his head in the affirmative to Adrastos. The Peophin remembered the last journey he had taken. He was careful to keep his emotions under tight reign this trip. He had learned that there were times when storms could be useful but certainly not now.

      The faeries had traveled as far as Faerieland three times. They were completely relaxed on this stretch of the trip. For Dalibor, it was completely new to him. Though, as was his way, he did not complain. If anything, he was pleased that his life had purpose, again.

      Once they reached Faerieland, any other ‘pet would have gaped at the spectacle the three Neopets and one water faerie presented. Dalibor merely flicked an ear, as if he saw this sort of thing every day. As a Peophin, Dalibor was able to float through the air, using his magic. Fae used her wings to glide rather than fly. Myana created a giant bubble for her to sit on that also floated.

      As for Adrastos, the Maraquan Tonu also floated. He chuckled and explained this mystery.

      Adrastos fingered the large shell that pinned the hood of his seafoam green cloak. “Val has magic, just as you do, Dalibor. She has charmed this shell on my cloak so that as long as I wear it, I shall float effortlessly over the ground. Without it, I would be utterly helpless.”

      They were on the final stretch of their journey and it went quickly. The last place Dalibor expected to be led was Kiko Lake.

      “A vacation spot? Doesn’t every Neopian come here? I’ve heard how popular this place is. How is…she hiding here?” Dalibor tried to not sound incredulous but failed.

      “What better place to hide than in plain sight? Adrastos responded.

      Dalibor had to admit that this did make sense. The group left the main area, heading out on a well-traveled trail. They trekked for an hour before Adrastos turned off the trail. Dalibor didn’t know how the Tonu knew where to go but he sensed rather than saw that there was a trail that Adrastos followed. Fifteen minutes later, they entered a small clearing with a pond and a large rock at one edge.

      The trees grew thickly here, making the space feel smaller than it actually was. The tops of the trees touched over the pond, blocking out the sunlight and keeping the entire area in shadow. This was far from the open sea and Dalibor was stricken by the fact that the princess of Psellio had been reduced to this.

      “Wait here for a moment while I inform Princess Valenchesa of your arrival,” Adrastos said.

      The Tonu slipped into the pond. A few moments passed. Adrastos’ head surfaced and he nodded.

      “Only Dalibor and Fae. You, Myana must wait,” Adrastos instructed.

      The water faerie did not protest. Dalibor and Fae entered the pond. It was rather shallow, maybe twelve feet deep. Princess Valenchesa, a Darigan Peophin of sixteen, swam straight for them. Dalibor bowed his head and extended his maractite trident, handle first to his ruler.

      A light tap from the princess’ hoof and Dalibor pulled his trident back. He raised his eyes to meet the frank red gaze of Princess Valenchesa.

      “I need your names, ages, ranks and the story of how you survived the Destruction,” Princess Valenchesa ordered.

      Dalibor and Fae did so. Their princess listened intently and when they finished, she had another order for Dalibor.

      “Adrastos said that you have information on Psellio’s enemies. Explain,” Princess Valenchesa demanded.

      “Since the Destruction, I have frequented the ruins. They have been completely abandoned. I have traveled the sea and learned much. The group that attacked Psellio is known as the Mysterious Forces. Their mission seems to be to destroy and conquer wherever they strike,” Dalibor said grimly.

      “I have heard of this group but this is the confirmation I needed. Dalibor, I shall need you to return to the sea to continue gathering information. You are just one of a slowly growing network, gathering everything possible on these Mysterious Forces.”

      “As for you, Mage Fae, what are your current capabilities?”

      “Actually, Princess, I have my mentor, Myana, here. She will be able to explain far better than I,” Fae said.

      With a dip of her head, the princess sent Adrastos to fetch the water faerie. Myana explained about having trained Fae and Dalibor.

      “Storms caused by emotion? Brilliant! Your magic will be useful to me, Dalibor,” Princess Valenchesa said, her red eyes glittering darkly.

      “My life is yours, Princess,” Dalibor said.

      Princess Valenchesa’s mouth quirked. The Darigan Peophin looked satisfied.

      “Now, I need a secure way to send and receive missives,” Princess Valenchesa mused.

      “What about Adrastos?” Dalibor ventured to suggest.

      “No, he is my servant. He has enough to do without extra duties.”

      Myana looked thoughtful. “I believe I could help, if you will permit me, Your Highness.”

      At a gesture from the female Peophin, the water faerie extended one hand, forming a bubble there.

      “Simply place the message within the bubble. The message will arrive back in my home in Maraqua in another bubble. The connection works both ways and happens instantly. It is quite a reliable system. Other water faeries use the bubbles to transfer items from the sea to Faerieland,” Myana explained.

      “If you say it works then it sounds ideal for my purposes,” Princess Valenchesa said, taking the bubble from Myana.

      The princess handed the bubble to Adrastos, who swam to put it in an out-of-the-way place. The Darigan Peophin looked back at her subjects.

      “Is there anything else that should be discussed?” Princess Valenchesa asked.

      Both Dalibor and Fae shook their heads. Princess Valenchesa looked satisfied.

      “One last thing, all of you,” Princess Valenchesa said, eyeing Myana as well as Dalibor and Fae,” Do not approach Adrastos when you see him. He does not need to be harassed or have unnecessary attention drawn to him. Do not come back here unless I direct you to do so. You are dismissed.”

      With that, the three left the young ruler of Psellio. As they began their long journey back to the sea, Dalibor, despite himself, smiled for the first time in a long time. The shadow Peophin didn’t know that his young ruler was doing the exact same thing.

      The End.

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