Do YOU Keep Fun Records? by indulgences
I have to admit, my favorite petpage that I ever created was the one listing the pets I've given away. As of today, I've given away 88 zapped pets, and I'm looking to give away 100 total! It's so cool to see the pets' images become customized, and to see that the pets are clearly loved by their new owners!My Neofriends keep records of all their memorable pet zaps, and I can't help envying them! I've been zapping my lab rat for 8 years straight, and have no records of his changes. I consider him to be a permie lab rat, so his color/species doesn't really matter, but still, it would be amusing to remember that he was once a Chocolate JubJub, or remember the time he reached 200 strength points. Feeling inspired to keep more fun records, but unsure of what they should be, I asked my fellow players on the Neoboards about what fun records they keep for themselves. I got many interesting replies! One player insisted that I create regular screenies of my bank account. He made the astute observation that keeping track of my funds is a good way of knowing that no one else is accessing my account. Thanks, helpful player! Another player keeps a list of all the kind people he's interacted with on the Help Neoboard. I thought this might be a really long list! I adore all the regulars on this board, and it always makes me puff up with pride whenever people recognize me as being a regular too. One player keeps a huge list of every item she wants for her gallery. She records her purchases on a spreadsheet, along with how much she spent on each item. She thinks it's amusing to see where her millions of Neopoints went, and after seeing her amazing Pirate gallery, I had to smile as well! One rather specific record that many players keep is a record of all their Food Club winnings. It seems that the Food Club is a much beloved activity on the Neopets website, even though I personally have never played it. The people on this site really love to keep records of all their gambles! They also take screenies of the Neopian Lottery, or whenever they use Neocola Tokens. One player keeps a record of all the pets he's created and then given away. He's given away a lot of valuable pets whose names are 4 letters or less, and I had to praise his generosity! Pets with short names are hugely coveted on the Pound Neoboard, and this player is just giving them away! There are many people who keep track of expensive items on Neopets. For instance, they know of every Super Attack Pea in existence, along with who owns them. These items are "legit," in common parlance. I think it's really cool when someone claims to own a Super Attack Pea, but other players know that they don't. I love anything that cuts down on scammers! I keep a record of my Neofriends' dream pets, in case I get one from the Secret Laboratory Ray or manage to trade my pet for one. It was such a thrill to give one friend an Island Kacheek, and another, a Maraquan Draik. After doing these giveaways, I was totally hooked! I now zap my side account pets religiously, and cross my fingers that I'll get rare and beautiful pets for my friends. I also have a petpage listing all of my unwanted Paint Brush clothes. My closets have 90 clothing items spread out over 3 accounts, and I'm hoping that TNT will someday enable us to get rid of these clothes in a way that doesn't involve transferring pets. For now, I give them away by dressing up bare pets and transferring them out. One player keeps a private list of pet names that she wants to create in the future, but these names need to be purged from the Neopets website first. For instance, one pet name currently belongs to a frozen pet, but perhaps in the future, the pet name will be purged from the system and allowed to be created anew. I wished her much luck with her goal! Several players told me that they keep directories as a fun way of recording Neopian life. For instance, one player keeps a petpage directory of Darigan Draiks. Another player keeps a petpage directory of the best game guides. And still another player keeps a petpage directory of 8-Bit pets that are up for adoption, and won't rest until they're all adopted into loving and responsible homes. One player maintains a really cool petpage featuring all the pet colors we wish existed. Suggestions such as Origami, Jewel and Balloon Animal were at the top of the page, and I have to admit, I thought the petpage was interesting and fun! I hope this player keeps recording the cool, albeit nonexistent, colors that we all hope will be created someday! A lot of players admitted that they take lots of screenies of their favorite pets after the pets are customized. One player said that he has around 50 images of his main pet, dressed in different ways depending on the holiday. For instance, he painted his Krawk Christmas and customized him with all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia for the Christmas holiday. I thought his collection of images was really outstanding! It inspired me to do the same with my own favorite pet! One eccentric player admitted that she keeps screenies of every time TNT posts on the Neoboards. They're all posted on her petpage, and I spent a lot of time scrolling through them and laughing at the tongue-in-cheek replies that TNT posted on players' threads! And hands down, the most popular way that people kept fun records was by screenie-ing everything! They took screenies of that time they got a Fountain Faerie Quest, or that time they got a rare avatar. They took screenies of funny Neomail conversations with their best Neofriends. They took screenies of every major milestone and every accomplishment, and kept them in a special folder on their computers. I have to admit, I do the same! And thus concludes my article! I'd like to give special thanks to all the people on the Neoboards who posted on my threads. I never cease to be amazed by their creativeness, wittiness, and all around amazingness, and I look forward to canvassing their opinions again in the future! Stay tuned for more articles from yours truly, my fellow Neopians, and have an excellent week!