Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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JCW: The Beginning

by chasing_stars44

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10 of the Best Petpets You Didn’t Know Existed
Picking out your pet’s best buddy (well, second best compared to you!) is an important task, and none to take too lightly. This is especially true if you’re interested in attaching a petpetpet, which will disappear once attached if you detach the petpet. No point in spending all of that dough if you fall out of love with the petpet you chose!

by gameboyknight


The Top 5 Best Desert Foods
The Lost Desert's cuisine provides a welcome change from the usual winter foods.

by emilyralphy


Out of Line
Few can say they use their Petpet to comb their hair.

by narutoluvr935


NeoPaper: Customizeable Salad
Hey, they worked hard on that!

by mbredboy31

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