Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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Writing Can be Hard...

by pinochle

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Great stories!


After ACX: Part Seven
Part Seven - Clockwork

It’s the last day of play. Finally, it’s day 28 and soon, oh, so very soon, we will be free. I’m not the only one feeling like this, I can tell. The Snow pen, nearest us, have the same feeling of ennui, they’re practically drowning in it.

Also by lil_em06

by swimmingstar01


A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Four
King Frezon I stood in front of the crowd of Neopets at the bottom of the great steps for the second time this week, with a much more different announcement. It was a stiflingly hot day and he was still getting used to the intense heat in Sakhmet. Khamtef was much further eastwards, heading towards the sea, and often had a cool breeze in the air to help with the temperature. Sakhmet was a different story. But no matter. This had to be done.

by dudeiloled


Eternal Diva
It was night on the Tyrannia Plateau and even from miles away you could hear the noise from fans at the concert hall, screaming for their favourite bands and song artists. And in one of the dressing rooms, a striped Hissi with blond hair was getting ready for her own performance. Her name was Faith Handler, but her stage name was Whispered Faith.

by orisasda


A Charitable Absurdity

Art by lucifael

by iluminescent

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