Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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Don't Be Lazy, My Friends!

by kuschelalarm

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Mystery Island Mayhem
After searching through the lost city of Geraptiku for nearly three hours straight, dodging arrows and venomous petpets, Apsy was more than tired, especially since she and her brother Sky also had to baby-sit their friend Tintilla the Darigan Gelert and her pet Zomutt Nanna that day, for Tintilla was more than crazy – she was always hyper, and, no matter what Apsy or Sky said, Tintilla refused to listen.

by theschizophrenicpunk


So You're Having a Bad Day
Dedicated to any Neopets player who's had a bad day. That means you.

by ellbot1998


Through the Woods: Part Two
Kanrik and Jazan had been walking for quite a while, the two waving their torches around for better light. All they saw were endless trees and bushes, with the occasional petpet hopping past. Other than that, the place felt eerily abandoned; the silence only disturbed by the sounds of leaves and their footsteps.

by melina322


Empty Bellies, Empty Pockets: Part 2
I’ll pay him to stop singing.

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667

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