A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,565,809 Issue: 698 | 11th day of Gathering, Y17
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Delicious Cupcake?

by praline01

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All The Famous Kaus of Neopia
Kau Day was a long time ago, but we think it is always the right time to bring all the Kaus to the spotlights! Well, that's exactly what we tried to do by writing this article: we decided to make a Top 5 of the Most Famous Kaus of Neopia.

Also by realidade

by sky_lady


The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Three
Cole watched as Terrence left. Clarity looked upset, but said, ”Mara is back and she’s coming for me. I’m going to leave so she’ll follow me away from the kingdom.” Cole began to panic because he needed his sister for his plan to work. Cole shook his head. ”No. It can’t be true."

by purplbrooke


Poogles & Giggles #5
I didn't touch one, I swear!

by lizzbear_


Dubloons - An All Time Low!
Greetings fellow Dubloon buyers and sellers of Neopia! During your busy buying and selling lives here on Neopets have you noticed a significant decrease in the price of dubloons? I'm almost postive you have, though this issue may have faded into the back of your mind.

by kimi10552

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