Meow Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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Harsh Reality

by blink_darkphoenix

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At An Interview
Why, what a silly question!

by wokitana


Faerieland Employment Agency Guide
Every Neopet should have a job! It`s a fun way for you to make some extra Neopoints, plus it gives your Neopets a chance to do something useful and earn their keep. Those stays at the Neolodge and the rides at the Roo Island Merry Go Round aren`t free, you know! So if you have limited time to spend on Neopets on a daily basis, I suggest heading over to the Employment Agency first thing

by aleu1986


Blossoms~ Retry Part 6
She gives conversation classes after hours.

by twillieblossom


You Know You’re Addicted to Avatars When…
I’m not quite sure how or when this happened, but one day many, many years ago, I found myself suddenly obsessed with little square sets of pixels. I don’t know just why that little “Something Has Happened!” popup denoting the newest addition to my collection is as thrilling as it is, but at some point in time, my entire Neopian life began hinging on the thrill of the chase… of avatars!

by pizzanoodles2

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