White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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Island Mystic

by fourin

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Owning an Edible Pet
There’s a lot you want to keep in mind when you choose the huge undertaking of food-based pets. There’s some care rules that vary greatly from your regularly pets. And, these rules also vary slightly from one food-based pet to the other! But, don’t worry. Here’s some base rules and tips for caring for you newest dream pet.

by i_love_cute_neos


Guide to Neopian Colleges
There are a great many more colleges, academies, and universities all around Neopia. With the help of my siblings and my owner, I have researched them and now have a list of the 8 best ones, along with some tips for choosing the best college for you, and getting into it

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Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Five
The first thing that I needed to do was get away from these two and find someone that wasn't under Shadow's control. It was likely that Xavier was hypnotized as well (that was if what Mae told me earlier was true). I really hoped that Mae or Jane were still okay -- I literally had no one else to turn to.

by chasing_stars44


The Knight Shift - Adorable Edition
Drawn by Preshus_8 the baby kougra for her big sister the "Bestest knight ever!"

by shakespeareghurl

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