There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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Edible Sand

by goodsigns

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Edible Escapades: Part Two
Comparing these cakes is like apples to oranges!

Also by priscent

by msjanny


Owning an Edible Pet
There’s a lot you want to keep in mind when you choose the huge undertaking of food-based pets. There’s some care rules that vary greatly from your regularly pets. And, these rules also vary slightly from one food-based pet to the other! But, don’t worry. Here’s some base rules and tips for caring for you newest dream pet.

by i_love_cute_neos


Guide to Neopian Colleges
There are a great many more colleges, academies, and universities all around Neopia. With the help of my siblings and my owner, I have researched them and now have a list of the 8 best ones, along with some tips for choosing the best college for you, and getting into it

by dunefurandlilypelt


Backpacking On A Budget - Part 1
This series of articles is for all those who wish to see as much of Neopia as possible – but on a shoestring budget. This first part sets out the preparations you’ll need to make and gives a useful starting point.

by equinewhispers

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