Your Must Read This Summer Book List by blue_eyed_tiger_j
For some, reading is a passion. It is an opportunity to escape from the challenges of life. It also constitutes a place where your most terrific fantasies can come true. For others it is a tedious chore, where nothing makes sense and even reading a small sentence requires a huge effort. Here is a list of wonderful books, written by Jen and Josie (J& J), to help get you reading this summer. Some of the books are easy pictures books, some will teach you new things and some are simply on this list because they narrate a very interesting story.1. A Kau Summer
This story tells of a wonderful time a rainbow Kau had during summer time. It's the perfect tale for hot summer afternoons. 2. Quiggle Swimming Guide
A guide for everything that relates to swimming! From survival to recreational to competition! Now your Quiggle and all other Neopets can learn how to swim from professionally trained Quiggles. 3. Beach Vacations
Find countless beach vacation ideas and travel inspiration in this exciting book, which is a great source for any travel experience! This book gives you an opportunity to spoil yourself while picturing all the fun of the vacations of your dreams. It is also intended for when you just need to get away from it all! 4. Kacheek Relaxing Tips and Tricks
Take it from Kacheeks, they know how to relax the right way! This book will help you learn how to relax. So make yourself comfortable in a quiet environment and practice slow breathing. That was the first lesson, now wasn't that easy? 5. Altador in Summer The sweet smell of Honey Blossoms fill the evening air, while young Neopets play on the soft white sand, the beauty of summer is everywhere! Spend all summer hanging out in the water right off of the Altador Shores! 6. Hot Dog Recipes In this book you can find recipes and new ideas on how to make delicious hot dogs. Don't just settle for the same old hot dogs. This book also contains illustrated pictures that will make your mouth water. 7. The Great Vacation Great Vacations usually mean great time with your friends and family, and great moments at amazing destinations. This is an amusing story about a Techo who's summer plans didn't quite go the way he wanted! We are not sure why this book is called the "Great" Vacation! 8. Advanced Swimming Read Swimming guides for every skill level. Choose from topics for beginners, intermediates, and experts. This guide never ceases to surprise you! 9. The Peophin That Couldn't Swim Who has ever heard of a Peophin who couldn't swim? This book tells a story of a young Peophin who no matter how hard he tried to learn how to swim with his father, he just couldn't succeed. Some Neopets fail through the actions they take in life... Others are just born with it! 10. 101 Slushie Recipes Looking for slushie recipes to quench your thirst this summer? This book has 101 trusted slushie recipes suitable for all seasons and occasions. This book is complete with illustrations and mixing tips. Slushie Machine not included! 11. Sunglasses Book The story in this book is aimed to help adolescents of all ages to learn how to feel really great about themselves. This book is so famous; it has to use a disguise! 12. A Summer of Borovan This book explains how to enjoy a tall glass of Borovan, even during those warm summer months. Get the best Borovan recipes from this trusted cookbook. You'll find recipe ideas complete with cooking tips, ideal for any time and everyone! 13. Too Hot This is a tale of one Scorchio who was terrorising a village of Moehogs and had to be stopped. Telling stories around a campfire is a long-time tradition that is likely to be remembered. This book certainly offers plenty of entertainment when everyone is gathered around the fire. 14. Flotsam Party Ideas If you need party ideas and tips for planning your next summer pool party or special event, then you have found the right book. Brimming full of fantastic ideas to make your party go with a bang, this book helps you plan ahead, because attention to detail makes all the difference! 15. Blue Koi Underwater Adventures Read all about the underwater adventures of a little blue Koi! This is the most charming and intriguing adventure ever! It is full of suspense and excitement. 16. Underwater Fish Recipes What a cute little fish shaped book! This recipe book has recipes for grilled fish, oven-baked fish, fish tacos and more! Hundreds of tasty fish recipes, plus tips and illustrations that make it easy to add fish to your diet. 17. Ylanas Summer Adventure Tales This great book features Ylana Skyfire, a blue Acara bounty hunter who will work for anyone who pays a high enough price. It narrates all her road trips, thrilling events, sensational performances and is a non-stop adventure. The adventures get hotter with the weather! 18. Users Guide to Underwater Pools Learn about all the different underwater pools around Neopia. This book is a complete underwater photography tutorial full of underwater photography tips and techniques. It is a complete dive destination guide. 19. Fishing For Techos If you have concerns over whether you are using the right bait, are looking to buy a better rod but want one that suits the waters you are fishing in, or are looking for a decent location in which to fish, then there is plenty in this book for you to check out. It's a little soggy though! 20. Sun Pop-Up Book Follow the adventures of the sun as it travels across the sky! This book is ideal for the little ones and tells of the intricate beauty of the sun following her path from dusk till dawn and vice versa. It is perfect for those who can't or don't want to read. 21. 100 Jelly Recipes This book has the best canning ideas on how to make homemade jam and jelly recipes, preserving fruit compote, and how to make easy marmalade recipes. 100 Jelly Recipes is also complete with illustrations, easy to follow instructions and serving tips. 22. Preserving Berries Berries are highly perishable if not immediately frozen, dried or canned. Read this exquisite book to learn how to maintain the quality and freshness of any kind of berry! 23. Sunny Faerie Days This beautiful book talks about the historic significance or the weather in Faerieland. This books item description is a little confusing. How were they important in their own time? Did this importance continue throughout the generations? Or is it the weather? Maybe the description just has a typo! Read this book and you will know! 24. The Wonders of Water This is one of Neopia's older books! You can tell by the illustration on the front cover. In this book Nereid, the Water Faerie explains the power of water. The Water Faerie's motto is: "Never underestimate the power of water!" 25. 101 Fruit Salad Recipes Discover delicious and easy to prepare fruit salad recipes from the expert chefs who wrote this book. There are 101 unforgettable fruit salad recipes with photos and tips from home cooks ready for you to taste and enjoy this summer. We hope that this list will help you choose the greatest books to read during summer time and encourage those who consider reading worthless to read a little more. Books are really good for you as they make you smarter and at the same time provide hours of entertainment. We encourage everyone to read.