A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,673,963 Issue: 655 | 25th day of Swimming, Y16
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Good Mood?

by draggi_pi2

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Medieval Celebration of Meridell
With the anniversary of the Discovery of Meridell upon us, what better way to celebrate than to have a look at that great medieval land?

by oobajooba


The Art Of Procrastination
"I-er-well- it's a surprise!" he blurted out, before beating a hasty retreat to the sanctuary of his room.

by swimmingstar01


Stargazer: Part Five
"Where are we?" Azurabel puffed the words out over the hammering of her heartbeat. She couldn't decide if she was more relieved or annoyed to see the faerie.

by fairyxhearts


The Forgotten Royal Pets
In honor of the day celebrating Meridell's discovery, I have compiled a list of Royal pets I feel are generally overlooked...

by aleu1986

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