Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 192,519,493 Issue: 651 | 27th day of Relaxing, Y16
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The Darkest Day

by kupo_kat


Jhudora, the darkest faerie of them all, toyed with the pure black orb with her spindly, pale fingers. It was cold to the touch and pulsated like it had a heart beat.

     "With this," she said with a cackle, "I'll be able to take over all of Faerieland, one faerie at a time!"

     The orb of pure black twisted and moved in her palm like the ink of a pen, and then transformed back into its original shape, no longer black, instead depicting a picture. She watched a scene of an earth faerie donned in an apron, stood behind a counter and handing out various candies to younger faeries and baby pets play out from within the orb. Wrapping her white-knuckled fingers even more firmly around it, she chanted a few words.

     "Oh, young earth faerie, I command you to follow my orders!"


     After the line of excited children had died down, Matilda, the owner of the Faerie Foods shop, took a moment or two to clear her head.

     "Matilda..." a voice whispered to her, seemingly inside her head.

     "Wh-who's there?" she asked timidly, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up on end and goose-bumps covering her arms.

     "You mean you don't recognise my voice?"

     The disembodied voice grew more annoyed. Matilda started to recognise the cold, calculating voice as Jhudora's. What had the Dark faerie done and why was her voice inside her head?

     "So, Matilda. Have you figured it out?"

     Jhudora cackled evilly, sending chills down the Earth faerie's spine and causing her to cry out in shock.

     "You're Jhudora..."

     "You are a good girl. Now listen to me very, very carefully..."


     Sabrina, a Fire faerie, was humming happily to herself as she skipped along the sun-drenched path. She was on her way to the shops to pick up the last few bits for her birthday party later that evening. All of her friends were going to be there, as well as their friends too. It was going to be big. She needed to get everything right.

     "This is going to be the best birthday party I've ever had!" she sang to herself as she began to skip merrily down the street, her fiery red ponytail bobbing up and down.

     She arrived at the row of shops and stepped inside the quaint looking food shop.

     "Happy birthday, Sabrina," Matilda said. "What can I get for you today?"

     "Well, I've got most of the stuff already, but I thought I'd better get some candy. Everyone loves candy, after all!"

     The faerie chuckled to herself.

     "Well, take your pick! We've got all sorts of delicious goods here!"

     Sabrina grabbed a basket and started loading it with all sorts of different candies. Her basket was soon filled to the brim with brightly coloured candy. She took her basket to the counter and set it down on top.

     "Wow, that's a lot of stuff you've got there!" the earth faerie said. "I've got something else for you too. Wait just there, I'll just nip into the back room and get it for you."

     A surprise? thought Sabrina. Awesome! She loved surprises!

     Her heart was skipping around in her chest and she could hardly contain her excitement. I wonder what it could be, she thought.

     Matilda came out moments later holding a large pink birthday cake with glowing purple glitter on top and sixteen sparkling yellow candles, one for every year of her life.

     "Wow! That's awesome! You didn't have to do that!"

     "It was my pleasure. Why don't you take a bite?"

     "Oh, I think I'll leave it until tonight. Thanks again! I'll be going now!"

     "I said take a bite!" Matilda suddenly snapped, which was very unlike her.

     Taken aback, Sabrina gingerly took a small bite and suddenly she was falling to the floor, a piercing pain in her head and a strange voice echoing inside her head. Everything went black.


     Jhudora waved her pale fingers around the orb and saw a Fire faerie lying on the floor, at the foot of the Faerie Foods counter.

     "I did what you asked me to, Jhudora," the wimpy little Earth faerie said, a far-away look in her glazed over eyes.

     But Jhudora was no longer interested in her. She was already tainted with evil and no longer needed her help. No, she was interested in Sabrina now.

     She clasped her hands tightly around the orb and began to chant.

     "I command that all edible items that can be seen in the orb to become enchanted with dark energy."

     Then she waved one hand in the air, unleashing a dark purple wave of magic. The magic energy dissolved into a wispy, lilac-coloured smoke cloud. She caught the substance in her hand and then brought it down so that she made contact with the orb. Seconds later, the cloud had vanished, having been absorbed into the orb.

     Now, she could focus on Sabrina.

     "Sabrina... Sabrina. Awaken. Listen to my voice."

     Little by little, the Fire faerie opened her eyes until she was suddenly sitting up and wiping her eyes.

     "Ah, there you are. Now that you are finally awake, I can have your full attention."

     "Aah!" the faerie screamed, holding her ears with her hands. "Who is this?"

     Jhudora recoiled in shock and anger. Once again, a faerie didn't recognise her voice. Breathing deeply through her nose, the Dark faerie focused her mind onto something more positive. Soon enough, every faerie in the kingdom would know her as Queen Jhudora, ruler of Faerieland.

     "You silly little fool! I am Jhudora! And now that I have got you under my control, you will do exactly as I say. Do you understand?!"

     "Yes..." Sabrina replied, as she began to sway from side to side.

     "Okay, this is what I want you to do. It's your birthday party tonight, is it not?"


     "Then I want you to give every single faerie there a piece of your cake. And also make sure that they all eat the glorious foods in your basket. Is that clear?"

     "Yes, Jhudora."


     "I'm so excited!" chimed Lucille the Light faerie as she flitted excitedly to Sabrina's house. She loved birthday parties, and this one was a special. It was a 'sweet sixteenth' birthday party.

     She knocked on the front door and excitedly waited to be let in.

     "Happy birthday!" she said as the birthday girl opened the front door.

     "Hello, Lucille! Thanks for coming!"

     She stepped inside and was greeted with balloons, lots of food and a wonderful looking cake that had pride of place on the dining table. Everyone was gathered at the house, talking, laughing and being merry. This was going to be an awesome party.

     After about an hour, Sabrina chimed a fork on a china glass. The room fell silent.

     "Thank you all for coming! I just wanted you all to know that the buffet is now... open! Tuck in, everyone!"

     Lucille watched as everyone filled their plates with food and started eating it, chomping down on it like they hadn't been fed for days. Just as she was about to grab something herself, Belinda, an air faerie, collapsed on the ground right in front of her.

     "Belinda!" she yelled. "Are you all ri..."

     Claire, another Light faerie fell to the floor. Lucille clasped her hands together in shock

     "Oh, Fyora!" Lucille yelled. "What's going on?"

     Within a matter of seconds, only Lucille, Sabrina and two other faeries that she didn't recognise, were left standing.

     "Annabel!" one of the faeries cried. "What's happening?"

     "I don't know," she replied. "Maybe we should go to the castle and tell Fyora."

     "That sounds like a good idea," she said, her voice quivering. She was trying to be brave, but how could she be when all of your friends had just fainted at the same time?

     Lucille suddenly felt cold when she saw Sabrina standing in the far corner, her lips turned upwards in a grin and her eyes full of evil.

     "Jhudora's going to rule Faerieland, you know! And I really can't wait for it to happen! Say bye bye to your precious Queen Fyora! She'll just be a lowly servant to her new queen before long!"

     "What?!" yelled Lucille. "Are you mad? Why would you say something like that?"

     "Because it's true! You just wait till these faeries wake up! They're all going to worship Jhudora in about... hmm... five minutes time, in fact! Why don't you stay and see?"

     Lucille felt like all the air had been forced out of her lungs. This wasn't Sabrina. She really had been possessed by Jhudora. And somehow, so had all her other friends. If what Sabrina was saying was true then time was rapidly running out.

     "Sabrina, I know you're not really you, but listen to me! I'll get you back to yourself, I promise!"

     "Yeah," replied Sabrina coolly. "Well, good luck with that, you're going to need it. You're no match for Jhudora!"

     She laughed evilly, a laugh that didn't sound natural coming from such a sweet faerie like Sabrina.

     With one last look behind her, Lucille fled from the house and flew as fast as her wings could fly her, to the most evil part of Faerieland – Jhudora's Bluff.

     It was amazing and very scary to see how vastly different the bluff was to the rest of Faerieland. Thunder roared above her and lightning flashed before her very eyes. In the distance, Lucille could see the evil faerie sitting on her throne and cradling an orb of some kind in her palms. What was that? Could that be what was causing all of this? There was only one way to find out.

     She crept up the dark path, witch had dying shrubs and jagged rocks lining it and gave the bluff an eerie and deathly feel. Stones crumbled under her feet, even though she was half creeping, half flying along the path. Suddenly she tripped over a large pebble, almost losing her footing.

     "Who's there?" came Jhudora's harsh voice.

     Her heart was pounding in her chest as she hid behind a large rock sitting to the left of the path.

     "Hmm, obviously nobody important. Now, where was I? Oh yes. Zara. Listen to my voice. Do exactly as I say, got it?"

     Lucille poked her head above the large rock, watching Jhudora with disgust as she talked into the dark-looking orb. So that orb was the cause of everything. Somehow, Lucille had to destroy it. But how could she do that without being seen?

     As she listened to Jhudora's evil orders, she was overcome by an intense feeling of rage. How dare she do this to her friends and the place she called home! Quietly raising her wand, Lucille the Light faerie shot a thin beam of light at the orb, shattering it into tiny pieces.

     Jhudora unleashed an ear-piercing scream and then dropped to her knees, trying, and failing to pick up the tiny shards of the orb.

     "That's for all of Faerieland!" Lucille bellowed. "You're never going to be queen, and you're never going to be able to leave your hideous bluff! You disgust me! You disgust everyone!"

     "How dare you talk to me like that?" spat Jhudora.

     But Lucille wasn't listening. She had better things to do, like see all the friends that she had just saved.

The End

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