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The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Twelve

by crazy_4_sushi


What was happening at the Governor's mansion was going completely unnoticed by the rest of the island. Felicia was loitering along the railing in the meantime. Evening was fast approaching. How could she just stand around idly while Marcilli was out? She convinced herself that once nighttime hit, she would go off on her own adventure to find Marcilli.

     Sicrax sensed Felicia's heightened interest in leaving the ship on her own. The glowing Jetsam wanted to stall her for as long as possible, so he had begun to ask her any questions that popped into his mind.

     "What was Elrique like as a guardian?" Sicrax asked. As far as he knew, he and Arwman were the only crew members that knew everything there was to know about Felicia.

     "Elrique was very generous. He tended to be much too busy to hang out with me, but when we did, it was fun. I could have anything that I wanted, which was mostly books and gourmet food."

     "Lived like royalty, I take it?"

     "Very much so." Felicia nodded. From the private tutors to an entire wing of the mansion dedicated to her, she lived wonderfully. "I'm surprised that Elrique can be so down to earth. He has to be richer than most of Neopia's royalty."

     "Perhaps. Now, what was it like when-"

     His question would never get to be asked. A blinding light was being emitted from the middle of the ship's deck and caused him to stop mid-sentence and gawk at the spectacle. Crew members were staring in amazement and slowly backtracking their steps to end up as far away from the light as possible. The white light grew and grew until Sicrax and Felicia averted their gaze so not to be blinded. Once it disappeared, they hastily looked to see what had happened.

     The light may have vanished, but in its place was Elrique who was sprawled on the deck. The Krawk moaned as he rubbed his head and sat up. With one swift look around, he sighed and flopped on his back. "Dang it..."

     "Elrique?" Felicia gasped while Sicrax tilted his head in amusement.

     Elrique realized that Felicia and Sicrax were watching over him with a quick turn of the head.

     "Hello, Felicia and Sicrax. I didn't mean to be transported here," he said as he rolled onto his stomach. "I was aiming for the Governor's mansion."

     "Get up!" Felicia ordered as she grabbed Elrique's hand and yanked him upright. "What's going on?"

     "Hey... where did that sphere go?" Elrique hastily composed himself and scanned the deck for the teleportation artifact, but his search came up fruitless. "Huh. Must have been a one-use thing."

     "Forget about it, Elrique! What's wrong?"

     Elrique snapped into a new, serious demeanor that was quite unlike him. "Your father has been staying at the Governor's mansion for the past months, digging up facts and trying to find Marcilli and me. He's plotting something, and I've come to find out what that is exactly."

     Felicia was instantly brought to attention. "My father! He's here?"

     "Yes. Now tell me that Marcilli is here as well."

     She shook her head. "Not on the ship, if that's what you mean. She hasn't returned from her errand, so Arwman went out looking for her."

     Elrique groaned. The adventure was going to be more complicated than he thought. "If Arwman wasn't so intelligent, I would be satisfied because it would take him ages to figure out that Ulf is staying at the Governor's mansion. But something tells me that he's already headed there. As am I."

     "I'm coming."

     "Of course you are," Elrique stood at the top of the ramp, a solemn expression on his face.

     "You're the only one that will be able to talk some sense into your father."

     Her father was being portrayed as some sort of monster. Surely they were mistaken. "Just lead the way," Felicia scowled.

     "Can someone watch the ship?" Elrique called out.

     A nearby Sicrax chortled. "That's all we ever do."

     "Right," Elrique embarrassingly remarked. "Well... do it again."


     The mastermind Darigan Tonu and his two accomplices had gone to get dinner. Arwman was left in the cell, leaning against the iron bars with watchful eyes staying glued to Marcilli. "Wake up, Marcilli..." Arwman pleaded. "Before they come back."

     She lay dormant despite Arwman's pleas. It was not long before Ulf entered with Cybin and Clauret behind him. Ulf was now holding a sword, but it was not his.

     Arwman's heart sank when he realized that it was Marcilli's sword. But he was not the only one to recognize the weapon. Clauret rushed to Ulf's side. "Ulf, what are you doing with that?"

     "I'm going to rid the world of this pirate," Ulf remarked.

     Clauret's face twisted with horror. "You said you were just going to keep her here for questioning! You said absolutely nothing about killing her! I wasn't even expecting you to hurt her!"

     "Plans change. Do you have a problem with that?"

     "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do!"

     "My plans are going awry, and I'm not content," Ulf turned to Clauret, adding under his breath, "Cybin, would you please?"

     Cybin withdrew his own sword and pointed it in Clauret's direction. The Shenkuu merchants stepped forward, causing Clauret to slowly backpedal to avoid being pierced.

     "I never wanted you to be harmed, Marcilli!" Clauret shouted as he was shoved in the cell next to Arwman.

     Now that the nuisance was out of the way, Ulf returned to his ultimate plan. He once again towered over a lifeless Marcilli, face deadpan as he contemplated his next move. Ulf placed two hands on the handle of his sword and gently grazed the outer area that housed Marcilli's heart. He raised it eye-level to him, all in absolute silence.

     "Marcilli!" Arwman thrust his body against the cell bars. They rattled and clanged, but Ulf was in a trance. And as he began to bring the sword down, he felt invincible-


     The blade tip was a millisecond away from coming in contact with Marcilli. The new voice had stopped the mighty Ulf.

     "Don't you dare hurt her, Father!"

     Father. He had been called Father. Ulf turned his attention to the intruder behind him. A blue Tonu stood, arm outstretched and towards Marcilli. Elrique was behind her, gaze piercing into Ulf. But Elrique was not a concern.

     "Felicia..." Ulf's eyes flooded with tears as his throat toned. "My Felicia..."

     "Let her go!" Felicia ordered. Her stance was raised as if she was ready to lunge at her father and strike him. "Marcilli doesn't deserve this!"

     Arwman and Clauret had both risen from the ground. Cybin was entranced himself, as the last time he had seen Felicia was years ago when she was small.

     "I... I... don't understand..." Ulf murmured and tilted his head slightly. "You're in front of me... are my eyes deceiving me?"

     With a more demanding tone, she replied, "Leave my sister alone!"

     Obeying his daughter, Ulf tossed his sword to the side. Watching it clatter to the floor, he solemnly remarked, "That isn't your sister, Felicia. You are an only child. My only daughter... whom I love."

     Felicia quickly made her way to Marcilli's side and knelt down next to her. "You haven't spent your entire life with her," Felicia looked into the eyes of Ulf. "I don't care how it happened. Marcilli is my sister, and I love her."

     The pair of eyes sent a shiver down Ulf's spine. Those eyes... it was as if he was staring in a mirror.

     "I'm sorry," Ulf's voice cracked. "I'm sorry I did this to your sister. It's just that... she kept you away from me for so long..."

     "But I'm here, Father. I'm right here," Felicia stood up. "And I love you."

     The last time she had embraced him, she was only tall enough to reach his knee. Now she was tall enough and Ulf could hug his grown daughter. Felicia sobbed as tears streamed down Ulf's face.

     Clauret freed Arwman who darted to Marcilli's side. "Marcilli?" he whispered. When she went unresponsive, he gently shook her shoulders. "Marcilli, please wake up..."

     The watchful group maintained absolute silence as Arwman tried to wake Marcilli. After a few moments, she began to stir. Her eyes fluttered open and Arwman let out a sigh of relief.

     "This pirate kept you healthy for so long?" Ulf murmured.

     "She wasn't always a pirate, Father. She actually taught me to detest pirates and the two that took me away," Felicia confessed. "Marcilli has been such an important person in my life."

     "You thought that revenge would solve all of your problems when it simply acted to mask the emptiness in your heart," Clauret interjected. "Now you will be content, because the cause of your true ambition and drive has returned."

     Ulf nodded at Clauret's comment. Once Marcilli had sat up with the help of Arwman, he announced, "Marcilli. Forgive me for my actions."

     "In time," Marcilli croaked. "In time, may that happen."

     Ulf nodded and directed his attention to the nearby faction leader. "And Elrique – "

     "You figured out my real name." The Krawk grinned before wiggling his fingers in the air. "Surprise."

     "I know that all too well. How else could I have got in contact with you?" Ulf mused while Elrique shrugged. "However, I understand that you also took care of Felicia for a period of time. Normally I would be livid and demand an explanation for you visiting me and not revealing to me that you were Felicia's guardian. But I no longer care about the circumstances... I just thank you for keeping her safe."

     Elrique nodded. "It was a pleasure. She's special, this one."

     "Well, Felicia, you may speak to Marcilli." Ulf nodded. "But afterwards, shall we return to Shenkuu?"

     The first glimpse of terror became plastered on Felicia's face. "But what about Marcilli?"

     Marcilli sighed. "Felicia, this is what you've always wanted. Don't worry about me. Make up for all of the years that you weren't with your real father."

     Felicia was rapidly trying to blink back tears. "But then there are all the years that I wasn't with you."

     Marcilli could feel her heart sink in her chest."I know, Felicia, I know. Whatever you choose... please, just don't forget your roots."

     Ulf placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

     "So what will it be, Felicia?"


     That was years ago.

     This was the present; a present filled with much more sailing and raiding.

     Marcilli had just returned to Qasala after a trip to her homeland. Clauret had sent word that her parents finally met their fate in a raid at sea when their ship drowned in Maraqua. How grimly ironic, Marcilli thought, that Felicia was almost in that very situation. Upon learning of the news, Marcilli had returned to her childhood home to clear out its rooms and prepare it to be resold. In that adventure, she not only recovered priceless treasures, she unearthed some as well. Yes, Marcilli remembered that her parents would bury jewels around their property in case their home was ever raided. By the end of the cleaning, Marcilli had barely enough room on the Black Scarabug to fit everything.

     "How much are we looking at?" inquired Arwman at the sight of the mounds of treasures on the Scarabug.

     Marcilli shrugged. "Enough so that the Scarabug crew and Elrique's other faction members combined never has to work a day in their lives again."

     "Extraordinary," Arwman whistled. "Your parents did not mess around."

     "Indeed they didn't," said Marcilli. And in following the pirate law, they acquired immense wealth for their daughters. Maybe the pirate law was not as ruthless as Marcilli had made it out to be when she was younger. During her time as a pirate captain, she had grown to learn more about the profession that she initially deemed sinful.

     She ordered for the Black Scarabug to set sail to Maraqua, and her crew happily obliged. The coordinates that Clauret gave her as to where the ship sank were situated near a giant whirlpool. Her parents may have been able to have their souls freed from the talismans, but nothing could save them from the whirlpool that ultimately claimed their lives.

      Miss Marcilli... witnesses say that an array of cannonballs from another ship struck the vessel your parents and their crew were on, Clauret had written in his letter. The inability to control the ship sent it straight for the deadly whirlpool which could not be avoided. And I assure you, Ulf had nothing to do with the event. The responsibility belonged to a merchant ship that your parents had taken captive years ago. Its name and occupants cannot be confirmed, unfortunately. I'm so sorry, Miss Marcilli. May Ahti and Parlow rest in peace.

     In the end, their lives were ended by revenge. All their daughter wanted was for them to get another chance and make things right.

     "Back to Qasala, everyone..." Marcilli began to order. She hoped that her crew could not see the tears streaming down her face. But when her voice cracked, she knew that her cause was lost. The feeling of a gentle hand on her shoulder was the last straw. When Marcilli turned to see Arwman standing next to her to comfort her, she collapsed to her knees and broke down in tears. "We... have to go back... to Qasala..."

     The Black Scarabug crew watched on as Arwman knelt down next to Marcilli to comfort her. It was only when he gave a nod did they disperse to prepare to set sail for Qasala.

     "It's all right, Marcilli..." Arwman whispered as the Draik collapsed into his arms and cried. "They're finally at peace."


     The trip back to Qasala was exhausting for Marcilli, but she pushed through.

     When she entered the front door of Elrique's mansion, she was faced with the sight of a Tyrannian Kougra standing in the middle of the grand entrance. Marcilli stood in shock; it was her cousin, Elrique's sister that she had not seen since they were little.

     "Ingilaug?" she gasped before attacking the Kougra with a huge hug.

     "Oh, Marcilli..." Ingilaug purred and embraced the Draik. "It's been so long."

     After the loving hold, Marcilli drew back and sighed. "Where have you been all this time? I seriously questioned if I'd ever see you again!"

     She gently cupped Marcilli's face with her paw. "I'll tell you everything once we get the chance to relax."

     "A feast has already been prepared," Elrique announced. "My, is there much to discuss."

     Apparently much had occurred while the Black Scarabug was out at sea. From the dozens of details that Marcilli could piece together, it appeared that King Jazan had finally found out that his beloved wife, Queen Nabile, was a secret member of Elrique's faction. Even Marcilli was surprised at the news, for Nabile had kept the entire ordeal a secret for many years and was going to continue for as long as she could. Ingilaug had returned from years and years of separation from Elrique, and now the brother and sister duo were running the faction together. But their trusty cousin still got a say in things.

     "That's ridiculous that you ended up in Qasala with no idea that Elrique was there as well."

     Ingilaug chuckled. "I was just as surprise. But what can I say? Like brother, like sister."

     Like brother, like sister. Suddenly Marcilli lost her appetite and set her silverware down. The word "sister" still made Marcilli's heart sink. Felicia would write to her, telling her all of the wonderful adventures she had in Shenkuu.

     Dear Marcilli,

     Today I went fishing with Dad. I had absolutely no idea that he knew how to fish, but here I am, writing this letter and watching Dad reel in his fifth catch of the day. We've only been out here for fifteen minutes and there's already enough food to last us the week.

     I redecorated my room, too. I put a map of Krawk Island over my bed. Like you said, you can't forget your roots.

     I think you should visit Shenkuu soon. Every time I mention the idea, Dad softens up more and more. I really miss you.

     Let me know.

     Love always,


     Marcilli had memorized the last letter from Felicia. It tore her apart.

     She leaned over to Elrique who was in the middle of downing his fifth cup of grog. "Elrique, may I have a word with you?"

     He finished the last drop of the grog before slamming it on the table and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Absolutely, Marcilli. Let's discuss things in my office."

     The party-goers did not worry too much about where Marcilli and Elrique went off; the two prominent leaders usually had to duck away from commotion when discussing business. They made the trek to Elrique's office.

     "Have a seat, dear cousin." Elrique motioned for the seat on the other side of his desk. "What's on your mind?"

     Marcilli fiddled her fingers together. She hadn't the slightest clue how he would take the news. "I would like to go back to being a merchant."

     "Pardon me?" Elrique froze. He could not believe what he was hearing. The pirate captain was relinquishing her throne when her greatest deeds had yet to begin.

     "I would truly appreciate if you allowed me to return to being a merchant," she repeated more slowly.

     The Krawk shook his head and clasped his hands together. "Yes, yes, I understood the first time. Why the change?"

     "I realized it after returning from Maraqua. I really don't want to end up like my parents, being sought out by others seeking revenge."

     Elrique became grim. He had advised Marcilli against visiting the site where her parents- his aunt and uncle- had perished. "That wouldn't happen!" he insisted. "With the Black Scarabug's crew, you would be well protected."

     "I still have every intent to work as a member of this faction. But perhaps I could... oh, I don't know... work to trade extra valuables that you have lying around for better things. I'm a stellar merchant, if you recall. My crew can still be swashbuckling raiders of the sea, they'll just have a new captain."

     "And that captain would be...?"

     As if he had to ask. "My chief officer."

     A grin snuck on the face of Elrique. Marcilli knew that he was fond of the idea. "Are you sure about all of this?"

     "As sure as I've ever been."

     "Marcilli, you are hereby a merchant in this faction."

     She was beaming. "Excellent."

     "Should we inform your partner of his new title?" Elrique flashed a smile.

     "I'd rather make the announcement to all of the crew."

     The two returned to the grand dining hall. Immediately all conversation stopped; everyone knew something was going to happen, especially when Marcilli returned to her dinner spot but stayed standing.

     "Attention members of the Black Scarabug! I want to to announce that as of today, I am retiring as captain of this crew. It has been an absolute privilege to have been your captain for all these years. I thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication to the Black Scarabug... formerly referred to as the Silver Kazeriu. But you will all be in great hands, because I am appointing Arwman as your new captain."

     There was a raucous round of applause as Arwman looked around, sincerely surprised by the news. The two happily embraced.

     "Marcilli, are you sure about this?" he whispered in her ear as the raucous noise continued.

     "I have no doubts, Arwman. You will do an extraordinary job."

     He drew back. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

     Marcilli's smile was sincere and her eyes were bright with optimism. "You could never do such a thing, Arwman."

     And at last, the merchant's mayhem was mayhem no more.

The End

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Other Episodes

» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part One
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Two
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Three
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Four
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Five
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Six
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Seven
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Eight
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Nine
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Ten
» The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Eleven

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