Juicy, Sweet and...Yellow! by shadowninjawarrior
ALL AROUND NEOPIA - Of all the things Neopia has to offer, fruits are one of
the most neglected and misunderstood. Of course, if you compare a tropical fruit
with a paint brush the paint brush will be more popular, but still, nobody thinks
about the fascinating fruits of our world. No one wonders how their peels are
so brightly colored or how a whole fruit tree can emerge from a tiny little
seed or how each and every fruit tastes different or how fruits can make pets
strong and healthy.
I’m not here to lecture you, so let’s go to my real topic.
When you look at all the fruits around you, you’ll see that the most common
and natural-looking color is none other than…yellow. A yellow fruit looks much
more delicious then a red one even if the yellow one is made of dung! According
to my research (do I have to do everything around here?) yellow fruits have
more minerals and nutrients than other types of fruits.
A survey was recently taken to show the percentage of the production of yellow
fruits in different places of Neopia. The results were:
56.25% - Mystery Island
18.75% - Brightvale
12.5 % - Tyrannia
6.25% - Maraqua
The total number of fruits was sixteen, so, this shows that Mystery Island
produces nine types of yellow fruits, Brightvale produced three, and Maraqua
produced only one species while Tyrannia produced two types of yellow fruit.
The other places I missed out (for example The Lost Desert) have not been
listed here because they do not produce any yellow fruits at all. Now, you must
be wondering what types of yellow fruit can there be, so, even if you’re not,
I’ll tell still tell you about the different types of yellow fruits that grow
all over Neopia…
A Banan is probably one of the most curious (yellow) fruits there ever was.
It is said that many bananas once grew very close together and for some reason
they joined together to form a Banan, but now we know that this is impossible
because a Banan tastes nothing like a banana. Banans usually taste like vanilla
ice cream though many people think it tasted more like butter scotch flavored
ice cream. Banans are native to Mystery Island and form part of the staple food
of many Mystery Islanders (what else should you call them?) though Neopian Central
has recently started importing Banan seedlings. A good Banan mostly costs about
500 Neopoints.
Brightvale Berry:
A Brightvale Berry is one of the berries which are only native to Brightvale;
they refuse to grow any where else. Brightvale Berries have a yellow coloring
(duh…) and look like a small mango with lots of lumps on it. The leaves of these
Berries are used not only for herbal medicines but are also crushed to make
green paint for the pretty glass windows many inhabitants of Brightvale make
to earn a fortune. A good, ripe Brightvale Berry has a mild yet strangely robust
taste and costs about 10 Neopoints. Though Brightvale Berries have been around
for a long, long time, they haven’t been able to reproduce quickly enough but
recently King Hagan, realizing the many uses of these Berries, ordered more
Berry bushes to be planted.
Another native fruit of Mystery Island, the Foozette is yet another yellow
fruit. This fruit greatly resembles a yellow fur ball. Foozettes are one of
the rarest fruits found in Neopia as they take seven years to grow and about
three days (after being picked) to rot. Like the Brightvale Berry, Foozettes
can only grow in the land they are native to. Three days before the Foozette
rots away, it tastes like a very sour peach. The hair (or fuzz) of a Foozette,
though edible, are mostly used to make wigs which many people in Mystery Island
wear (go to the Tropical Foods shop on Mystery Island and look at its owner
if you don’t believe me) on their heads.
Golden Juppie:
Come on, I think the Golden Juppie looks more yellow than golden…don’t you
think so? In my opinion when someone says, “Buy my delicious golden bananas”
he or she means “Buy my delicious rich-yellow bananas”. This shows that there
is no such thing as a golden banana; the word “golden” just describes the color
of the banana. Okay now, enough of this discussion about what’s golden and what’s
not…on with the explanation.
Though the Golden Juppie resembles (and shares the name) with a Teal Juppie
both of them are as unrelated as day and night. The Teal Juppie has a disgusting
taste. Some say that this taste is that of overcooked dung, but, as I have never
tasted overcooked dung I cannot be sure! The Golden Juppie, on the other hand,
tastes light and mellow and its tender flesh contains minerals which soothe
the mind and replace sorrow and anger with happiness. It is said that the Light
Faerie, herself, granted this fruit its taste, color and joyousness. The Golden
Juppie is very rare (it is only found in Mystery Island) and has a huge demand
because of its calming properties. This has caused prices to be raised up to
three thousand Neopoints.
The Lemaniac, a distant relative of the Thornberry, is looks more of a space
fruit than a tropical species of Mystery Island because is has orbs protruding
from its body. Though the Lemaniac is found in nearly every nook and cranny
of the Mystery Isle its taste is extremely dreadful if not harvested under the
second full moon of autumn with a pair of tweezers wearing knickerbockers. Remember
the orbs protruding from the fruit I told you about, well, they are the seeds
of the fruit. If the right method of harvesting is used, the Lemaniac tastes
pretty much like a sour strawberry, but if not, it can taste as bad as an over
ripened Potymelon. Yuck! And because of the sickening taste of the Lemaniac,
prices have dropped down to only a thousand Neopoints.
The Lemwart is yet another fruit found only on Mystery Island yet this species
of fruit is only produced by crossing a Wartroot with a lemon. Lemwarts are
supposedly one of the largest fruit found any where, well, except for the Sack
Plant but let’s not start a debate. It is about 10 inches in length and 7 inches
in width which makes it difficult to be carried in one paw or hand or claw.
Its coloring is yellow, of course, and it has lumpy bumps or “warts” on one
of its edges. These warts are inedible as the only living creature to have ever
cracked one of the warts on a Lemwart was none other then the terrible Monocerous.
These rock hard “warts” are used as tool by many natives of Mystery Island (boy,
I’m getting tired typing the name “Mystery Island” again and again). A good
Lemwart’s price ranges from two to five thousand Neopoints because, judging
by its size, it takes a good long time trying to dig it out of the ground (didn’t
I tell you that Lemwarts grow underground? Imagine a ten ton fruit growing on
a tree!)
Did you really expect me to tell you about EACH AND EVERY (yellow) fruit around?
No, of course not! Yes there are sixteen types but it’d be impossible for me
to type (and for you to read) about all the (yellow) fruits available but, still,
I’ve only done about six so let’s do some more and at least try to reach eight.
No! Don’t look at me like that; it’s for your own good! OK on with the explanation…
Thank goodness we’re out of the L’s and into the N’s! Don’t tell me you haven’t
noticed that I have sorted all the fruits in alphabetical order! It took me
one WHOLE minute to do that and you didn’t even notice *keeps on ranting*…
Oh, sorry about that, I was getting a bit too emotional *sniff, sniff*.
Anyway, the Nurako being another fruit native to Mystery Island *yawn*, is
one that grows in giant bushes. The Nurako is a delightful fruit, loved by all,
especially because every one of its parts is edible and sweet. A Nurako looks
rather like a pineapple but the fruit is small and wrinkled yet the stem is
much longer than the fruit itself and surprisingly, the stem contains nectar
which is actually sweeter than the fruit, which has a tangy taste. Nurakoes
(or is it Nurakos?) are the best type of fruit available in the market in many
ways. First of all, Nurakoes never ever never ever rot or over ripen. Then there’s
a fact that, they are actually good for pets as they may increase (the odds
are one to a million) the level of the pets, but it’s not worth spending all
your money on Nurakoes as this is still being tested. Further more, Nurako stem
nectar acts as an disinfectant, which means you can apply it on wounds (It doesn’t
sting either) and grazes. Nurakoes may cost up to five hundred Neopoints.
Sack Plant:
The Sack Plant is a native fruit of Tyrannia (Phew!! No more typing “Mystery
Island”…Oops I did it again!). As its name suggests the Sack Plant looks rather
sack-like. It is the largest and heaviest fruit found on Neopia, though a larger
and heavier one could be discovered. In Tyrannia, and most of the world, Sack
Plants are eaten during dinner and/or supper, unlike other fruits which are
eaten afterwards, because of their salty taste. There is not much to say about
the Sack Plant because they are also one of the most boring types of fruit,
I mean, who would be interested to find out more about a fruit that just sits
there like a sack…?
OK now I think that’s about enough (I’ve typed about two thousand words…I’m
really proud of myself!!*puffs out chest*). There is one BIG problem now…I don’t
know how to finish this article. Oh, well, you’ll just have to settle for a
normal “hope you liked my article”!