Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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Random Oddness: Valentines

by mistyqee

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Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Eight
"Power is not the sole thing a queen ought to possess to rule well."

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Value is in the Eye of the Beholder
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"What FOR?" Hanso groaned. He definitely didn't like the looks of where this was going. Whenever that female street thief came along, so did her hot-tempered, grumpy, and scary... uh... intimidating husband.

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A Valentine's Day Extravaganza
The entire situation made Jazan shudder. Hanso, the Ixi thief whose mission in life was to annoy Jazan as much as possible, was escorting the Qasalan queen to Sakhmet for the evening.

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