A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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Hanso's Charisma, Pt. 2

by marzipan

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Last Minute Gifts!!
Don't worry, there's still time! We'll help you!

Also by therainbowsheep

by suspensiion


Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Four
"How long have you known I was here?" Clayton asked Kanrik once they were a distance away.

"You? Since I spotted you hiding in that cave with Hannah and Armin," Kanrik chuckled.

by herdygerdy


Reality of REs: Sleep tight!
Don't let the ghostkerchiefs bite!

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig


Random Oddness: Valentines
Let's never be creative again.

by mistyqee

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