Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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The Kadoatie Apocalypse

by pancakesatthedisco

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Through Moltara and Back
She was no stranger to doing whatever it took to complete a mission. Lampyri was a Firefly, a glowing Buzz that lived in the City of Lights, a cave located in the uppermost region of Moltara.

by blueys45


The Best Female Pets for Customizing
We've compiled what we think are the best female pets to customize.

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by brucas188


6th Annual Neopies Acceptance Speeches
The 6th Annual Neopies have recently ended and all the voted winners have gotten their Neopies. It's time to go to each one and hear their acceptance speech...

by pikachu315111


Pre-Valentines Day Shoppping
A Flow Chart

by hipppio

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