A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,150,568 Issue: 632 | 14th day of Awakening, Y16
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Happy Valentine's Day!

by nicanorduarte

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Just Me
I got the best valentine!

by pinksparklesz


Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part Three
"And yet Sophie doesn't think he's an evil wizard?!" muttered Scout, eyeing the landscape before her in disbelief. "Who else lives in a neohome like this?"

by daniecelpines


6th Annual Neopies Acceptance Speeches
The 6th Annual Neopies have recently ended and all the voted winners have gotten their Neopies. It's time to go to each one and hear their acceptance speech...

by pikachu315111


Roses and Chocolates
"What FOR?" Hanso groaned. He definitely didn't like the looks of where this was going. Whenever that female street thief came along, so did her hot-tempered, grumpy, and scary... uh... intimidating husband.

by melina322

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