That One Unlucky Night by fireandwater2121
I was sitting on a stool, leaning against the wall dozing
a bit. I tilted my hat so it covered my eyes. The lights were dimmed, and the
window shut. I kept the candle burning though, for that warm glow that soothes
everyone. There was a knock at my office door, and I awoke startled.
My name is Nor. I am a shadow Lupe. Some call
me gruff, others call me a mute. I may be gruff but I am certainly not a mute.
How would I be a detective if I was mute? I got up and slowly walked to the
door, whilst the knocking continued. I opened the door, to see a young orange
Lupe standing there. He was a bit on the paranoid side, and was almost shaking.
"Can I help you, son?" I asked the shaken fellow.
He stared at me as if he shouldn't be around me. I motioned him in. He sat down,
still a bit off. "What it is it, son? I'm off duty right now, so it better be
"I'm sorry, but I needed to see you. Erm...Someone
told me your a great detective, and I was hoping you could do something for
me," he mumbled a bit. He didn't want to make eye contact with me, which was
natural. Almost no one wants to make eye contact with a detective of my sorts.
He also seemed to be covering something up on his arm, a scratch it seemed.
"What is that there, son? On your arm, a scratch
I presume? And why do you need my help?" I questioned. He was nervous now. He
settled down, but was nervous.
"Well...this mark...I don't know what it's from
really, but it was big, furry, and it growled so viciously," he explained. He
stopped covering the mark, since I had seen it. I leaned in to look at it. It
was deep, but it seemed to be healing.
"Well son, can you tell me when this happened?
What specifically do you want me to look about?" I asked, trying to tone my
voice as to not scare the boy. He looked at me now. His eyes were full of fear,
I could see it. He sighed, then he began to talk.
"Last night I was walking home from the Battledome,
and I turned into an alley I normally take as a shortcut. It was dark, and there
was a big full moon out. I just kept walking, like I always do. But then, this
huge thing jumped out at me while it growled and roared. I didn't really see
it since it was dark, but I could tell it was Lupe like. I tackled me and bit
my arm...I ran as fast as I could, till I got home. I haven't seen the thing
since," said the boy. He sighed again and stared at the ground. I could tell
he was keeping something from me.
"Son, I feel like there is something more. Speak
to me," I slightly demanded. He looked at me slowly, then said....
"I think it was a Werelupe sir," he moaned. I
was taken slightly aback. "Werelupes? Nonsense." I stood up and walked back
over to my stool, sat down, and took out a notepad. I wrote notes down. The
boy was confused.
"Why sir? There have been reports of them...I've
heard. Will you help me? I want to find this thing...If it really is a Werelupe
then I must know. You understand right sir?" begged the boy. He looked at me
with great interest, waiting for my reply. I looked at him.
"Alright son, I'll help. And, oh, forgive my
terrible manners, my name is Nor," I said. He smiled a bit, and headed to the
door. He looked back before he shut it.
"My name is Charlie. Thank you, sir," he said,
then left. I set down the notebook, and stared in abyss for a while. I leaned
back on my stool, tilted my hat, and unbuttoned my coat. A case. On a Werelupe.
* * * *
The next day I got ready to head to the local
cafe for a cup of coffee. I was heading down a flight of stairs out of the office
when the boy, Charlie, came running up to me. He smiled. I could tell I had
made his day yesterday. I met up with him.
"Hello Mr. Nor. I wanted to come and talk some
more, you know. Where are you going?" he asked, skipping along, trying to keep
"Well Charlie, you can call me Nor. I'm heading
to the cafe for a cup of coffee. Would you like to join me? Cafes are the best
place to chat a bit. Sure. I know," I said, looking at him. He liked the idea,
I could tell. We left the building and walked down the street. In the light
of day he was different. He stood tall, had broad shoulders, yet he was easy
in his walk. He showed confidence, and he also showed kindness. Detectives have
got to know their stuff.
As we entered the cafe, the little door bell
rang. A plump, cheeky Kau behind the counter turned around to see us come up.
"Oi! 'Ello, Nor! Good to see ya again, my friend!
What can I do fer ya today?" she said in a strong accent. She was a kind soul.
I've known her for years, since I come in here at least 4 times a week to think
about cases.
"Hello, Sybil. I'll have a light caramel, and
for my friend here, I think he will take a shake please," I said. Charlie must
have thought the same thing, since he had no objection. Sybil smiled and went
into the kitchen to make the orders. I turned to Charlie to ask him some questions.
"Charlie, seeing as how this isn't a normal case
for me, I'm going to go about this differently. I need you to take me to that
alley and tell me every detail of this creature. Also, have you seen any suspicious
fellows around lately?" I inquired.
"Well, not really. I've seen you but that's normal...But
there's this one old guy. But he's really old, he probably can't do anything,
but he does like voodoo and stuff. And the creature, well, it was too dark,
but it was like 7 foot, hairy, muscular, had claws, fangs, red eyes, and that's
it," he listed for me. I wrote it all down, but of course it wasn't much. Suddenly
an idea popped into my head.
"Son, I'm going to have to see you at night on
a full moon night. You know, to see if it's true that it was a Werelupe," I
quickly stated, getting to the point. He was a bit shocked by this proposition.
"Oh, well, um. That's odd... Are you sure you
would wanna do that? What if it was a Werelupe? I might...hurt you," he mumbled.
He was afraid, I could tell. Poor fellow.
"Yes, I understand that Charlie, but we have
to. Besides, there is no avoiding it," I sighed. Sybil brought us our drinks,
and we sat and drank the rest of the while.
* * * *
The next few days went on quite quickly as we
waited for the next full moon. Tonight was the night. Charlie had me meet with
his mother about all this, and she was just as confused as I was. She agreed
to have him stay at my office for the night. We stayed up playing cards until
the sun set. Then I went into action.
"Well, Charlie, it's time to move you into the
basement. Shall we?" I said as I opened the door. He followed me, nervously.
I didn't blame him at all. In some way I knew how he felt.
As we got to the basement's door Charlie had
already started shaking, almost like it was the end of the world. I opened the
door and we walked in.
"Charlie, just sit in here until the moon rises.
Then just let it happen. I'll be watching through this window. And don't fight
anything son, it will just make it worse," I said. He walked in and sat down,
not muttering a word. Poor fellow. I held his shoulder and wished him good luck.
I left the room.
Hours passed until the moon finally rose. I headed
down to the basement and peered in the window. He sat there, shaking. He was
afraid. Then I saw him go rigid. His orange fur started to turn darker, and
he grew larger. His paws grew claws, and his muzzle lengthened. His teeth grew
as well. His eyes, his soft, amber eyes turned blood red. I could hear him growling.
It was true. It was a Werelupe. I locked the door tighter and went back up to
my office. I locked the door. Sitting down, I tilted my hat, and thought. This
case was now over. For hours I heard Charlie roaring and clawing at the walls.
I fell asleep.
* * * *
The next morning I awoke in a bit of a jumble.
I straightened myself out and went down to the basement. I was a bit nervous
myself. I had something to tell dear Charlie.
I opened the door to see him sleeping in a bundle
in a corner. I aroused him and he startled. We sat down and talked about the
night's events. To be honest, Charlie wasn't that "hurt", he almost seemed to
like being a Werelupe. I could understand that feeling somewhat. We went silent,
so I broke the ice.
"Charlie...last night, while you raved, I found
out who bit you..." I said. I stared at the ground, while he looked at me with
great excitement.
"Really? Who was it? I want that guy to know
I'm still mad!" he said with triumph. I stared at him, in his eyes. He settled
down, seeing something was wrong.
"What is it, Mr. Nor? What is it?" he begged,
leaning in, worried. I took his shoulder, and stared him in the face.
"Charlie, promise me one thing before I tell
you. Promise me that you won't think wrongly of me after this. Do you promise,
son?" I sighed. He was scared, and confused.
"I promise sir!" he said.
"Charlie....I am...the one who...bit you," I
whispered. His eyes widened.
"But wait, no, it can't be. If you bit me, wouldn't
you have changed last night too? I don't remember hearing anything else but
myself. What do you mean?" he whined, wanting to know more.
"Well, the same day you had been bitten, I was
out in the Haunted Woods searching a case. An old man came up to me with a necklace
of claws and teeth. He said it would give me great power if I wore it. He coaxed
me into taking it. I was so foolish. That night I wore it, and the last thing
I remember is seeing my paws turn into claws. That necklace was a Werelupe Claw
Necklace. Since I wore it, it made me a Werelupe for that night. I'm sorry Charlie,
it's my fault, I was foolish," I explained, ending it with a sigh. I looked
at him. He was staring at me in a sad way.
"Mr. Nor...Why didn't you tell me sooner if you
knew? I would have understood. I like being a Werelupe!" he said with as much
enthusiasm he could muster.
"No son, it is my fault. I owe you an apology
that I cannot pay. I'm sorry," I mumbled. He took my paw and shook it a bit.
"No! Really sir! Please don't blame yourself.
Please. I'm just glad your not evil and will eat me. I'm almost grateful sir!"
he said trying to cheer me up. I looked at him....and smiled. He smiled back
at that.
"I wish there was something I could do. I had
this feeling, deep inside, through the whole case, that it was me. I don't remember
that night until I woke up the next morning with the taste of blood in my mouth.
I haven't told anyone," I moaned. He jerked me into my senses.
"No, Mr. Nor. Stop that. I'm fine, just promise
me one thing, like I did you, okay?" he demanded. I nodded.
"Promise me that you will be my friend and not
like drive yourself nuts over this?" he said. He looked at me hard.
"I promise, Charlie," I said. The two of us smiled.
That was that.
* * * *
Later that night I was sitting on my stool, taking
notes. It read:
Ironically, I was the one who bit dear Charlie. He isn't upset, but I feel
guilty nonetheless. I made a promise to him, and I will keep it.
Case closed.
I closed the notebook and looked out the window.
The feeling inside me was clearing up. I zoned into abyss again. Like that notebook
said, case closed.
The End