There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 191,754,914 Issue: 618 | 25th day of Collecting, Y15
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Or Something Like It: Hide and Seek ...or Not!

by ramotswe

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Fearsome but Fun Foods
Foods to dish out at Halloween - and real recipes too!

by mreilynne


Trick Or Trick
"Can we please go trick or treating this year?"

by sophieecanfly


It's Only the Moon
I saw a Werelupe drinking a zeenana slushie at Trader Vick's. His hair was perfect.

by microfilariae


The Orbs of Power: Part Five
As I left the warm tropical waters of Maraqua, I gasped for air. It was strange to adapt to breathing normally again after several days underwater...

by burning_shadows_79

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