Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 191,757,338 Issue: 610 | 30th day of Hiding, Y15
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by fudging

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Let It Slide: A Beginner's Guide
Let It Slide may sound confusing at first, but it's actually a pretty good platform-based game. I'll be showing you the basics of getting a good score.

by super_wario9


No Going Back Now
"Which one of us said this was a good idea?"

by johannabelle2009


Oh Glory: Part Two
Immediately he was met with overwhelming heat and an air thick with smoke. He coughed, covering his nose with his shirt...

by lithoxide


Of Pirates and Pranks: Part Four
The second the whistle blew, both left forwards, Vickles and Hawkshanks, darted for the Yooyu. They both tried to scoop up the Petpet, but Hawkshanks made it first.

by parody_ham

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