Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,088,474 Issue: 596 | 24th day of Hunting, Y15
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The Aftermath of the Month of Eating

by umbreon133

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Attack of the Petpetpets!
There are Petpetpets everywhere you look; there's no escaping them anymore!

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The Return: Part Four
Jennings was waiting in Judge Hog's office when he finally finished processing the prisoners. Dawn had long since broken and neither the Judge, nor Jennings for that matter, had gotten any sleep.

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The Abandoned
"Happy birthday, Chloe!" I sat up to see my friends holding a birthday cake at the door to my room.

by erikatz4325


Dark Faerie Dreams
A normal Faerie would call them nightmares. (Or would they?)

by cookybananas324

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