Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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Faerie Woes

by roller_coaster26

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Hannah the Brave: Part One
"Hannah the brave," she whispered, testing the words out on her tongue. They sounded strange, unfamiliar, but at the same time seemed a fitting description of her; or at least the Hannah that explored the caves of pirates.

by extreme_fj0rd


Hidden Treasures: Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe
Tucked away in a small corner of Neopia, lies the quiet Coffee Shop, accompanied by the much quieter Coin Shop. At some point in Neopian history, coffee fell out of favor with the masses and soft drinks arose

by blackcairn


Neopian Wackiness
Pen Pal Wackiness

Art: funandgames999

by cherv1


The Prophecy of Four: Part Three
"I'm going to contact Kal and Sanalre," stated Tanelle. "Wait. I want to see if they experienced the same thing."

by jade_steel

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