Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Not the Best Example

by lupeyloonylupin

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Budget Weaponry
You've got eight slots for your "set" and you want to have at least the following...

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Song of Silence: Part Three
"Father!" Blossom cried, watching, horrified, as he dropped out of the sky and plunged headfirst through the ice and disappeared.

by fields_of_gold


Salt Water and Soy Biscuits
Some of them haven't even seen the ocean.

You're not sure how anything in their world can be okay.

by cc_coffman98


The Quest!: Part Two
"B-But it's a d-deserrrt! It sh-shouldn't be c-cold!" Lunia stammered, confused...

by anapaula_p55

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